If you read something in a dream, then try to read it again, it will have changed.
Yes, this! I was having a dream about a really interesting X-Men comic (I'm a geek, sue me), and the words kept changing. I often dream of strange book stores with stashes of comics I've never seen before that fit between issues I own.
And I've dreamed some epic space battles that make the opening of Star Wars Ep III look like pop guns and bathtub battleships.
Betsy, and Connie, do you dream about the story, or are you actually reading the words in your dreams?
I'm actually reading the book in my dreams.
I can't read in my dreams. If I stare really hard at text on a page the text never resolves into a stable, fixed image.
I once had a dream where I was looking at a sign or something, and it was gibberish, and I remember wondering if this is what letters looked like before I learned to read.
The changing reading thing is supposed to be a signpost for people who are trying to lucid dream. The first step in trying to change your dreams is to make yourself aware that you are in the dream state.
Usually when I realize I'm dreaming I wake up. I have a friend who when he realizes "I'm in a dream," someone in the dream will talk him into believing he's not dreaming.
One of Freud's famous dream interpretations involves a bit of text that he reads in his dream (it's a chemical formula). So, um, I'm guessing that it *is* possible to read in one's dreams. Why not? I've even *touched* things in mydreams and I know you aren't supposed to be able to do that, either.
I've even *touched* things in mydreams and I know you aren't supposed to be able to do that, either
Really? Huh. Guess my dreams haven't read the rulebook.
Cindy, I have a good visual memory, but not anything that could be described as eidetic.
If you read something in a dream, then try to read it again, it will have changed.
I find words no more or less changeable than anything else. It's a dream after all, and incredibly malleable. I've read, died, smelled, touched, loved ... done a million things.
On phone conference right now. Man, it's boring when you're there, worse now.