I want to see a new version of that with someone whose only "knowledge" of myths and ancient history is from watching Xena.
t nods vigorously
I like to think I'd make a good time traveler, but my primary philosophy would be along the lines of the Prime Directive, with a side of
do NOT cause Grandfather Paradox
I am getting to the bottom of this, because plaintiffs' counsel's brief is making me crazy. Anyway. According to this [link] UFO was set in the 1980s (which is what I meant) and the purple-haired lady was a military officer. You can tell this wikipedia entry is entirely accurate because of this, my favorite line:
UFO was Anderson's first series with live actors, but he had long experience with the one-hour format, good scripts, and exemplary production values.
They really gave a lot of thought to how people would look and dress in the future.
Laughing so hard right now. Did someone say UFO took place in the 1980s? When we evolved purple hair?
Oh, sure. In hindsight it looks silly, but if you were a 60s mod?
In the 70s I expect the most common clothing among the under 30s was blue jeans. Likewise in the 80s and 90s. And today? Whole lot of blue jean wearing going on.
The survival of denim just didn't show up on the SF fashion radar.
I think putting denim in is pretty much the equivalent of assuming mod would be used as the military uniform OF THE FUTURE! I also expect our space defenders in the next decade to be kickin' back in Dockers.
I'm sorry, I cannot get off this topic. The idea of this show tickles me WAY too much.
I had Plum hair in the 80s. Ultress Plum, in fact. Faded like a mo-fo, though.
Plei, I was not. I was in AP Euro and US, but that works differently (and my Euro teacher sucked a lot. It was her last year before she retired)
Lame. I had a French teacher like that. She also was in the early stages of dementia, and didn't always know which of the languages she spoke was the one being taught that day.
She was Dutch, with serious WWII related PTSD, and taught German as a way of working through her anger at the Nazis.
I think they should use denim in future fashion, but change its context. Make it a military uniform, or something.
I facilitated. I return to facilitating in 20 minutes.
I fear for the fate of the world (or perhaps just the company or my division) if I am to be relied upon to keep track of what's what.
I fear for the fate of the world (or perhaps just the company or my division) if I am to be relied upon to keep track of what's what.
Perhaps you'd be better at it if you had plum hair, and/or a silver uniform.
Plei, that sounds...interesting.
I had plum hair, once or twice. It wasn't all that, and the world would still have been in danger.
I have a silver shirt -- maybe I could try that. Last time I wore it I ended up matching the room decor quite precisely, so it's been in traumatised retirement for a while.