I think they should use denim in future fashion, but change its context. Make it a military uniform, or something.
I facilitated. I return to facilitating in 20 minutes.
I fear for the fate of the world (or perhaps just the company or my division) if I am to be relied upon to keep track of what's what.
I fear for the fate of the world (or perhaps just the company or my division) if I am to be relied upon to keep track of what's what.
Perhaps you'd be better at it if you had plum hair, and/or a silver uniform.
Plei, that sounds...interesting.
I had plum hair, once or twice. It wasn't all that, and the world would still have been in danger.
I have a silver shirt -- maybe I could try that. Last time I wore it I ended up matching the room decor quite precisely, so it's been in traumatised retirement for a while.
I have blue hair, but no silver v-neck. So bereft!
The faciliator shouldn't be the note-taker, FYI.
I had a French teacher like that. She also was in the early stages of dementia, and didn't always know which of the languages she spoke was the one being taught that day.
She was Dutch, with serious WWII related PTSD, and taught German as a way of working through her anger at the Nazis.
Eek! That sounds horrible.
Where's the fun in making up the future if you can't make people look both cool and hot??
Perhaps you'd be better at it if you had plum hair, and/or a silver uniform.
I'd like both, please. Can my silver uniform be a miniskirt and can I have silver knee-high boots with a black stripe up the front? Thx.
I also expect our space defenders in the next decade to be kickin' back in Dockers.
But first they have to move away from navy or alarming orange flight suits....
Your clothing just isn't always nice to you, is it, ita?
Can my silver uniform be a miniskirt and can I have silver knee-high boots with a black stripe up the front?
Only if you post pictures.
Maybe you could pose while holding a futuristic UFO-destroying gun....
The faciliator shouldn't be the note-taker, FYI.
I'm not taking notes -- it's a project planning meeting, so task owners are responsible for writing about their own tasks. I'm responsible for making sure they're organised logically and systematically, without duplication.
And the entire topic of the meeting is something I know nothing about for a customer I know nothing about, and is full of acronyms that I can't expand (or pronounce, which means it's not really an acronym, but whatever).
Five minutes before I leave again.
Your clothing just isn't always nice to you, is it, ita?
No, and I'm not sure why.