ABC is releasing a 2 disc dvd set of 6 Peter Jennings specials -- [link] on October 18.
Including How to Get Fat Without Even Trying, No Place to Hide, and Guantanamo.
Evidentally there are other specials already available on dvd.
t geek
I'm rather excited about the chance to see these, I missed most of them.
t /geek
Just read the Legal Urban Legends article. I had heard that the large punitive award from the jury was because, when the victim's injuries were described as "severe burns on the inside of both upper thighs and on the groin region," the McDonald's attorney said something to the effect of "What's the big deal? It's not like anyone's going to ever see them."
I have no idea if this part is true. However, I do know that McDonald's had been serving really hot coffee for a while, had received several complaints about people being burned, and had decided not to lower the temperature of their coffee because "their customers liked it that way" (even though if drunk at the temp served it would have caused 3d degree burns). I think the jury award was the cost of the woman's medical bills plus profits McDonald's gets from one day of coffee sales.
In one of my law school classes, we did this entire experiment with boiling water, measuring how long it takes to cool and what sort of burns you get as it cools. I've been a defender of Stella Liebeck ever since.
I'm hoping to take a few days off next week.
Oh, I hope you have a good time. And I'm glad somebody is getting the good weather, because here it's really hot and really humid.
Did you know they've started releasing complete seasons of The Muppet Show on DVD?
No, I had no idea. Hmm, and my brother has a birthday coming up. Thanks for letting me know!
Is it just me and all the flying I've been doing lately, or have there been a lot more stories about plane crashes recently?
It's not just you. Three major crashes in three weeks is a lot.
Is it just me and all the flying I've been doing lately, or have there been a lot more stories about plane crashes recently?
There have been three crashes of largish airliners recently - two with 100% fatalities. Just a weird coincedence they all happened within a short time.
Stephanie! I don't remember when last I posted with you. I don't even think I got to congratulate you on Ellie, or to wish you good luck on your bar exam, or anything!
Back in the '80s, I spent a few summers working at McD's. Including a fair amount of time working at the counter.
It was well known among the customers that the coffee was HOT. In fact, it wasn't unusual to get an order for a cup of coffee with a little ice in it, or with a courtesy cup of ice on the side.
Oh, and Stephanie, when do you get the results? Should be pretty soon, correct?