Is it just me and all the flying I've been doing lately, or have there been a lot more stories about plane crashes recently?
There have been three crashes of largish airliners recently - two with 100% fatalities. Just a weird coincedence they all happened within a short time.
Stephanie! I don't remember when last I posted with you. I don't even think I got to congratulate you on Ellie, or to wish you good luck on your bar exam, or anything!
Back in the '80s, I spent a few summers working at McD's. Including a fair amount of time working at the counter.
It was well known among the customers that the coffee was HOT. In fact, it wasn't unusual to get an order for a cup of coffee with a little ice in it, or with a courtesy cup of ice on the side.
Oh, and Stephanie, when do you get the results? Should be pretty soon, correct?
"I'm a cutie." I think.
Ah. ...I probably should have been able to get that one myself.
Thanks Nilly! I have been around so rarely since she was born I have missed a lot lately.
Tough class.
Yeah, but the point was made since I remember it 3 years later. My professor was very visual. He also brought in his kids' toy cars to demonstrate car accidents for us.
eta: Fred, I should hear by the end of the month. In the last few years, the letters were usually mailed around the 26th or so.
Back in the '80s, I spent a few summers working at McD's. Including a fair amount of time working at the counter.
It was well known among the customers that the coffee was HOT. In fact, it wasn't unusual to get an order for a cup of coffee with a little ice in it, or with a courtesy cup of ice on the side.
Yup. I worked at McDonald's in 1987-88, and everyone knew to treat the coffee as if it were lava. The hot chocolate was pretty damned molten, too. I'd stop at "my" McDonald's on the way to school -- it was about a 30-minute drive -- and the hot chocolate wouldn't be cool enough to drink until I actually got to school.
Breaking news! The artist formerly known as Sean "Puffy" Combs will now be known simply as "Diddy." FYI. [link]