Mmmm, vinegar. I love the smell of it so much I tried to drink it from the bottle when I was 4.
We walked into our favorite pub when I was pregnant with Owen on fish&chips night. The malt vinegar was so overwhelming it only took about two minutes for me to tell Christopher to get our order to go and head out to the car. *shudder*
You guys are really putting me off my food with all this salad talk. 4 days I shall be in Canada, Land of Being Offered Vinegar (or Gravy!) With Fries As A Matter Of Course.
Hi, Natter.
Just a little soon to be thinking about food.
From last night, can't believe I missed The Job on sounds like a show for me and twelve other people, not counting Leary's mom, but I was probably trying too hard to be A Real Girl then, and as you've probably guessed, Leary? Not aiding that effort.
Hec, wow, I love tart things, but just thinking about drinking vinegar and my face puckers(even if I have drunk pickle brine)
You guys are really putting me off my food with all this salad talk.
Pizza pizza pizza! Cheesy yummmy goodness!
t /sung to a Cha Cha beat
I used to like vinegar. Then it started doing something weird to my mouth and leaving a horrid aftertaste.
in 4 days I shall be in Canada, Land of Being Offered Vinegar (or Gravy!) With Fries As A Matter Of Course.
For me, just two, but I'll be going for the mayo.
My OTS: spinach, blue cheese crumbles, avocado slices, grapefruit bits, thinly sliced rare steak (cold), italian dressing.
I was trying to watch
The Job
when it was broadcast, but it was really hard. It was on ABC, which I had awful reception of at the time, and kept moving around and disappearing and reappearing without warning. I recently finished watching the DVDs and am said that I"ll never find out what happened to those people. Those terrible terrible people with bad habits who made poor choices.
(I think you mean Conga, Hec)
Thanks for the -ma.
I survived the meeting and it went fairly well. Once people arrived from the wrong address that I provided to them (doh!) and I explained why the date was wrong on the agenda, things improved greatly.