Comes in a tub, spreadable like thick jam, kind of yellowy-whitish? Billy-Bee. It's a lot darker when it's liquid.
This is how you buy honey for making mead (in quantity). That's about all I know, Brenda. I hope the honey doesn't make you sick, but I have no info one way or the other.
That's creamed honey. You will be fine. It just sort of lost the extra air they whipped into it.
Wait, I know more about the possibly Canadian honey than the actual Canadian?
t ticks off box
Tune in tomorrow and we'll see.
Now I'm hearing the voice-over guy from the teevee series Soap doing a whole monologue in my head about your situation, brenda. Yeesh, I think it's past time for me to go to bed.
My favorite was a house right. on. the. beach. in Bayhead that friends of my parents bought when he retired from teaching math. It was a ramshackle basic Victorian...
That is my dream house EXACTLY. Bayhead is so beautiful and its at the end of the train line so my friends could come down from the city at will. All my family would have keys and lord knows who you'd run into there on any given summer day. One big-ass bedroom would be only mine -- but other than that I'd share the monster lavishly. I'd have big dormortory atic rooms so I could keep cramming cousins in on weekends when freakin' everyone showed up.
Two hours ago, I fell asleep on the sofa just long enough to convince myself I should go to bed.
Why the hell can't I sleep now?
Why the H-E-double hockey sticks can't I sleep? I'm still going on 2.5 hours of sleep from last night!
Um ... ow.
So cats are supposed to be all graceful and athletic and stuff. Except mine just didn't jump up onto the bed so much as jump up onto my foot. Ow ow ow ow owwww.
Slashed feet have been cleaned with alcohol, dabbed with ointment and bandaged.
Going to bed, take two.
Slashed feet have been cleaned with alcohol, dabbed with ointment and bandaged.
I suppose it's natural to slash feet, they arrive ready-paired.