Um ... ow.
So cats are supposed to be all graceful and athletic and stuff. Except mine just didn't jump up onto the bed so much as jump up onto my foot. Ow ow ow ow owwww.
Slashed feet have been cleaned with alcohol, dabbed with ointment and bandaged.
Going to bed, take two.
Slashed feet have been cleaned with alcohol, dabbed with ointment and bandaged.
I suppose it's natural to slash feet, they arrive ready-paired.
Heh, that's pretty funny.
So, I was thinking about slash fanfic. What does it say that when people started writing their own porn, it took a different route than what had been produced for them? I mean, I know there's a history of erotic books for women in which the men are rather feminine, but AFAIK there aren't a lot of romance novels featuring hot guy-on-guy action. And I don't think there are any porn movies aimed at a female audience that feature such. (I could be wrong, I've never checked).
Possibilities: Slash is still a niche market, and would be unprofitable, and it just SEEMS like most fanfic is slash. Which I suppose says something about my fanfic reading habits. Alternatively, everyone from romance writers to comic book writers to porn directors has been missing out on market share.
(Oddly, what made me think about this was reading 3 Brother Cadfael novels yesterday...all the men in those come across as women).
Next, Raq will ponder Bush/Cheney fanfic.
(edit: that kind of came across like I was lumping romance novels in with porn movies, which I'm not beyond both media being fantasy-stimulators)
Alternatively, everyone from romance writers to comic book writers to porn directors has been missing out on market share.
Boy on boy action (explicit or strongly implied) is a staple in Japanese manga and anime, especially in titles that are marketed to women.
A website for ita: [link]
Boy on boy action (explicit or strongly implied) is a staple in Japanese manga and anime, especially in titles that are marketed to women.
Really? Cool. Learn something new every day...
Well, until man-on-man action becomes less virulently unpalatable to the general public (and by general public I mean mostly straight men), I think it's going to stay niche.
Teen vomits on teacher, told to clean police cars: [link]
OLATHE, Kan. - A high school student convicted of battery for vomiting on his Spanish teacher has been ordered to spend the next four months cleaning up after people who throw up in police cars.
Johnson County Magistrate Judge Michael Farley said during the sentencing Tuesday that he considered the boy’s actions “an assault upon the dignity of all teachers.”
The teen, now 17, vomited on teacher David Young as he turned in his textbook on the last day of classes at Olathe Northwest High School. His attorney, Brian Costello, said the student vomited because he was nervous about his final exams.
But two other students testified that the teen said he threw up intentionally. One girl said he told her in advance that he planned to throw up on Young on the last day of school. The girl wasn’t in class when the teen threw up, but she testified that the boy later told her, “You missed it. I did it.”
Young said the student, who was failing his class, made no effort to avoid throwing up on him. “I was just sort of stunned,” he said.
And people wonder why there's a teacher shortage.
t /thoroughly squicked