So I was talking to a friend who patched GTA:SA to reveal the sex scenes. I asked him about it, and he said, "Honestly? I skip those now. They're really a pain. You have to get all the keystrokes right - it's too much pressure! I have performance anxiety in real life, I don't need this."
He called it "Dance Dance Revolution: The Sex Game."
Oh Cindy, I do SO understand the musings brought on by half-clad, sweaty, muscle-y hardworking men. Some of the firefighters at our house fire were all in their boots and helmets and heavy pants--you know the treated canvas ones, with the suspenders?--and shirtless. Sooty, sweaty, heroic, AND shirtless. Oh my.
You know Beverly, either they're too young, or I'm getting too old or I'm even more married than I suspected. My first thought was really, "Those poor kids must be hot." And when I helped one of them bring the lemonade and popsicles out to the backyard, and saw the hose set up, then I thought of my Buffistas.
Oh! Maybe the Fifth Disease has affected my appreciation levels. My hands are swollen (although pretty good, today), and my knees and ankles are not right. My left calf muscle is all tense from walking funny because of the knees and ankles. My left heel is sore, because of the way I've been walking to compensate for the knees, ankles and calf. I realized I must have left my sneakers in Maine, so I have dh's rank high tops on because my sandals seemed to be exacerbating everything, making me not so pretty and sort of embarrassed when I limped out to help the guys.
I should make up a shirt that says, "I have a virus that makes my joints swell and hurt. Pity me."
What is a cardio track? And if someone had, say, three times a week they could take the class (I'm guessing, since he runs a post production house), how would it compare to like a spinning class?
The cardio track (better called the fitness track) is a pool of cardio classes, bagwork classes, stretching and sports conditioning (including for the Mixed Martial Arts) that I avoid quite strenuously, except to look through the window and smile (inside) at the pain on the faces of instructors that enjoy torturing me. There are about 16 or so of those per week, with a few during the day.
It is also possible to get a good workout 3x a week in the self-defense classes, especially if he picks his instructors wisely.
It'd definitely beat spinning for muscle development and a whole-body workout. Hands down. I've never taken a spinning class, but I can testify that taking one cardio class made me want to kill a lot of people, starting with the instructor.
It's on my roof, and patio, right now. I gave them popsicles and lemonade, because it is horrible day to be roofing and I feel badly for them.
Right, went out and mingled with the Hot, Shirtless guys 'cuz she "felt bad." Uh-huh.
Happy Birthday, Kat!
I had a startling revelation earlier today. Even though the HOT weather sucks like a Hoover, at least it's not this Spring anymore. I can breathe!
Wow. I wonder how they're going to narrow down
list of suspects...
Right, went out and mingled with the Hot, Shirtless guys 'cuz she "felt bad." Uh-huh.
Hee, but there was no mingling. There was just the one guy when we brought stuff out. The other three were up on the roof, I guess. I didn't stay out with them. The guy brought back the box of popsicles after everyone had taken what they wanted. It's like 92 degrees out there. I hobbled back to the air conditioning, yo. At least the relative humidity dropped. This morning, it was 70-something%. Now it's 28%, which isn't bad for around here, in the summer.
Looks like
the Angel Puppet
is finally available for order. (it's not really a good picture, it's way cuter in person).
The undamaged Angel puppet went on sale a couple months ago, didn't it?
Stop watching the shuttle launch online over and over and over. You're impeding my ability to surf and avoid work here! It's up. Local tv will probably run footage several times tonight. YOU AREN'T MISSING ANYTHING.