t falling off my chair laughing
That was pretty much my reaction too .
I've had bugs fly into me before, but they always bounced off.
Well, he was going 75 mph.... he didn't figure out what the hell it was until he pulled off on the shoulder (to wipe GOO off) and found the squished carcass in his bag.
Neglected to watch the launch. Which is ok, because the last time I did? Bad.bad.bad.
Happy Birthday, Kat!
ION, I don't
have to pack and ship my entire wardrobe, book collection, and DVD's by tomorrow, right?
We're starting the cross-country drive tomorrow night. Meep.
I have no idea what thread this belongs in, so I default to Natter. From my LJ friendslist: William . Shatner ... has ABLOG!
Wow, Kristin. Meep indeed.
I'm more than a little jealous about the cross country drive, though. Haven't done that in years, and I'm getting a hankering.
Kristin, driving cross country is FUN! Pack your favorites and then you'll have the stuff you love around you. Then you can pack the rest at a later date.
Thanks for all of the birthday greetings!
Lori's still asleep, but I'm fixin' to get ready to go eat breakfast at Madsen's which has the cutest waitresses and best french toast ever.
Driving cross-country as fast as humanly possible with two cats who hate the car. Did I mention that part?