Kristin, driving cross country is FUN! Pack your favorites and then you'll have the stuff you love around you. Then you can pack the rest at a later date.
Thanks for all of the birthday greetings!
Lori's still asleep, but I'm fixin' to get ready to go eat breakfast at Madsen's which has the cutest waitresses and best french toast ever.
Driving cross-country as fast as humanly possible with two cats who hate the car. Did I mention that part?
Kristin, one of the best things I did on the drive up here was to throw a towel over Ozzie's carrier. He felt much safer and hidden, and hardly screeched at all, which made Perkins the cat calmer too.
Driving cross-country as fast as humanly possible with two cats who hate the car. Did I mention that part?
I did a five day cross-country drive with
cat and that was bad enough. We resorted to keeping the cat in a pillow case with just her head sticking out (my friend held the cat), as the cat was determined to climb out the window or hide underneath the brake pedal.
One morning as we were leaving the hotel we couldn't find her. Turned out she had crawled thorugh a hole in the fabric at the bottom of the matress box spring and was hiding in there.
eta: we were driving a U-Haul truck that had no room in the cab for a cat carrier.
Got leashes for the cats? My parents tell hilarious stories of doing that with 2 cats, one a mouthy burmese. Of course, the cats weren't too pissy about car rides.
My brother drove 13 hours with three cats in the cab of a Uhaul last year. One who wanted to sleep on his head the whole way. She ended up wrapped around his neck in terror.
Driving cross-country as fast as humanly possible with two cats who hate the car.
When my family moved from MI to NC, we had a cat who absolutely hated the car with us. Mom put her favorite Christmas cacti next to his cage. By the end of the trip they were clawed to their stumps.
The cat survived the trip. The plants came back and bloomed amazingly well that year. I think they were afraid not to.
Kristin, our cat would cry until we really got going then stop until we were almost there. It's like his whinging was tied to deceleration and accelerations. This was when Lori and I used to do a monthly schlep of the animals between LA and SF.
ah, good times.
CAKE. I'm so excited that there will be CAKE. In fact, I might go order an extra one.
Kristin, our cat would cry until we really got going then stop until we were almost there.
My grandma's cat didn't shut up for
eight hours
on her only long distance car trip.