About organic produce, I know the whole reason behind pesticides is so you don't end up getting inadvertant (and gross) protein with your fruits and veggies. How do the organics manage to avoid that?
Even with sprayed produce there is an acceptable level of insects that can be found in produce.
The FDA tolerance levels of insect infestation in produce are far more permissive than proper halachic standards. For example, the US government allows averages of up to 60 insects per 100 grams in frozen broccoli, and up to 50 insects per 100 grams of frozen spinach
My dad occasionally reminisces about his boyhood summers spent at a cabin on the Russian River with other moms and kids while the fathers stayed in SF or Fremont or wherever and worked, joining the rest of the family on weekends. I've seen the camps, but they were never ours, in any sense.
I'm all about organic food whenever I can swing it. I had grass fed beef for dinner last night. Yum.
Happy Birthday, Kat!
I brought a sandwich for lunch and have it sitting on my desk because i prefer my sandwiches room temperatures. It is taunting me with it's yummy smellingness already.
Happy Birthday, Kat!!
I feel certain there will be cake.
The tank cam was pretty neat.
Are they showing any more footage? If so, what channel. Julia and Chris are interested.
About organic produce, I know the whole reason behind pesticides is so you don't end up getting inadvertant (and gross) protein with your fruits and veggies. How do the organics manage to avoid that?
Well, the protein reduction can be a benefit, but the pesticides are really there to ensure that the bugs don't start their feast early and prevent you from getting the fruits and veggies at all. There are non-toxic means of achieving this, they just tend to be more expensive and/or labor intensive.
t falling off my chair laughing
That was pretty much my reaction too .
I've had bugs fly into me before, but they always bounced off.
Well, he was going 75 mph.... he didn't figure out what the hell it was until he pulled off on the shoulder (to wipe GOO off) and found the squished carcass in his bag.
Neglected to watch the launch. Which is ok, because the last time I did? Bad.bad.bad.
Happy Birthday, Kat!
ION, I don't
have to pack and ship my entire wardrobe, book collection, and DVD's by tomorrow, right?
We're starting the cross-country drive tomorrow night. Meep.