Hey Cindy...I was actually debating putting that in BBaBB++ or here, but I figured it somewhat had to do with the direction of the board.
Anyway, "whiskered" means the font has been designed for or optimized for viewing on a monitor. It's kind of like anti-aliasing. You know how some fonts get all jaggy at different sizes? So Verdana is supposed to be a lot easier to read on screen than Times New Roman, for example.
Hey Cindy...I was actually debating putting that in BBaBB++ or here, but I figured it somewhat had to do with the direction of the board.
Oh, to be clear, I was only calling what I wanted to ask "Natter"--I just knew mine was a nosy question.
Anyway, "whiskered" means the font has been designed for or optimized for viewing on a monitor. It's kind of like anti-aliasing. You know how some fonts get all jaggy at different sizes? So Verdana is supposed to be a lot easier to read on screen than Times New Roman, for example.
Ah, okay. I like Verdana, myself. I think it is clean looking.
I like it too, WAY better than TNR. Which is why I was wondering why DX and others (Plei?) dislike it so intensely.
The baby is on his back holding his toes and burbling. It's textbook baby, and totally adorable.
There are also other fonts designed for easy readability on screen (Trebuchet MS, for example) that I prefer the look of. Plus, most of the time we're presenting the font at sizes where the whiskering really doesn't matter all that much anyway.
Chiming in with the organic fruit and farmer's market love. I bought a quart of blackberries at my local FM. Those suckers are about 1 1/2 inch long and are as sweet as candy.
There's also a vendor there that has organically raised free range chicken and pork. That's next on the list to try.
most of the time we're presenting the font at sizes where the whiskering really doesn't matter all that much anyway
True. I was just wondering...
Farmer's Market plus for the DCistas: Friends of mine sell organic/free-range chicken, beef, and pork (including sausages) at many of the area FMs, including Arlington. "Smithfield Farms" from Berryville. Their products are SO tasty!
(Still trying to get them to advertise with "You've Got to Get Your Hands on our Tasty Meat!")