Oh man, I really need to do laundry, but just don't wanna. I went to the pool and now I'm all snoozy.
Also, I would never try to do my own dress fixing, so I applaud you on that. And am reminded I need to deal with the fucking people who sent me the wrong fucking bridesmaid's dress.
I know Home Depot generally has a no-return policy on A/C units - you can exchange, but not straight out return. I'm sure it's because we're not the first to come up with that idea.
Hung v. sliders - are sliders the ones that slide side-to-side instead of up and down?
Well, it WAS just a matter of extending a couple tucks. But it is more than that now.
I also need to replace a hem on a dress the cat ATE the hem out of, but I need red thread for that. And of course, I have none.
I also need to replace a hem on a dress the cat ATE the hem out of, but I need red thread for that. And of course, I have none.
Hey, as long as you're buying black thread, you might as well get red, too...
I really need to plug up the holes around my window a/c, but can't get motivated to do it.
I turned off my air conditioning when I left early this morning, and was surprised and pleased to find that the inside temperature was only 77F when I got back late this afternoon, with an outside temperature of 105F. Hooray for good insulation!
Then we caught a rain shower, and the temperature dropped 25 degrees in five minutes. Mmmmmmm, nice--indoors and out.
Hung v. sliders - are sliders the ones that slide side-to-side instead of up and down?
Heh. I thought this was a baseball question and I was wondering why Ple was answering it.
Windows. Got it. (not the MS kind)
I ordered food in and all my motivation is gone. I really would like to do some sewing, but tv watching is all that is happening.
I ordered food in and all my motivation is gone.
You need
Powerskip- that'll put some bounce back in you.
Got up early and met Kat and Lori at the bookstore, purchased some good books (including one on how to make pop-up books which I am totally loving). Then we went to have lunch and I got yummy sweet cream ice cream.
It is, as stated, unbearably hot, and taking me hours to do the chores around the place. I don't think I'll ever get to vacuuming.
Also, I got a rejection letter from an agent today. Just a plain form letter. It makes me a little sad, but the heat makes me sadder.
I do believe as soon as the laundry is done that I will be taking a cool bath and sipping iced tea.