Sammy Sosa's back-strain by sneeze
Oh, oh - I did that once. Bad pain, worse having to explain it was because I sneezed as I was straightening up getting my purse out of the car. I kept not believing that I could really have hurt myself so much by sneezing. I was wrong.
I also pronounce Raq as rock.
Attack ads against Jesus - comedy gold.
I will focus on saying Raq as rock.
Also, I went to the diner and cut out the turkey middleman when I saw they had a BLT and avocado wrap. MMMMM. Now I have to do laundry, I guess, but I hate laundry. I also have to call the g.d. bridal store people who sent me the wrong fucking dress.
I will focus on saying Raq as rock.
I hope I didn't come off as preachy...I just sort of started and couldn't stop.
I actually had a long post about why Hillary Clinton should absolutely not run if the Democratic Party knows what's good for it, but it's probably not worth saying. Not here, anyway - maybe I'll write MoveOn.
I already wrote Hillary and Lieberman and asked them to get back to running the country instead of trying to parent other people's children. I mean, honestly. We've got the Rove thing and the war thing, and I don't pay my Congressmen to fuss about computer games. (Of course, neither of them are my Congressmen so I'm sure my letter won't get read.)
Who is your Congressman when you're overseas, Raq?
I cannot get the image of Ken Griffey Jr with his gigantic forehead to go away. Thanks, Tep.
I cannot get the image of Ken Griffey Jr with his gigantic forehead to go away. Thanks, Tep.
"Ken Griffey's grotesquely swollen jaw.
Steve Sax and his run in with the law.
We're talking Homer, Ozzie and the Straw."
Full Extension! (for baseball fans. Or for fans of pictures of human beings launched into flight.)
I was slathering half a blueberry bagel with cream cheese, I couldn't help saying, "JUST EAT A MUFFIN, WHITEY!"
Running Hillary in 2008 would guarantee that Jeb Bush becomes our next president.
I think Hillary could do ok in a presidential run, it would get ugly though. I'd still rather see somebody not related to a recent president though.