I would feel a little uneasy about the prospect of the 43rd President being the son of the 41st and then the 44th President being the wife of the 42nd.
This. I'm really uncomfortable with the dynastic thing. Plus, I think she can do more valuable work in the Senate -- I'd rather have her building ideas and policies and coalitions than serving the public-symbol role, which she just doesn't do as well.
(Or maybe I'm just cranky because the presidency obviously belongs to secret political boyfriend Obama)
Hillary is losing points with me with this Grand Theft Auto BS. Did she learn nothing from Tipper?
This, too. Bah.
I can't imagine how nasty the 2008 election will get if Hillary is the Dem canidate.
I want Hillary to stay in the Senate until 2013, when President Obama will appoint her to the Supreme Court.
I can dream.
Yeah, the far right has a hate-on for the Clintons as if they were vocal athiests who made their money producing gay porn, so if there's another viable Democrat candidate I'd rather run someone they can't rally quite as much vitriol about.
That said, my plan is to register as a Republican in the next year and vote for as many moderates in primaries as I possibly can. (Actually, if McCain gets the nomination in 2008 I'd vote for him over most of the Democrats except Barak Obama.)
He clerked for Rehnquist. He left a high-powered law firm to work for Ken Starr.
Given the chance to clerk with with Chief or work at the Solicitor General's office-- some say the best legal job out there-- I would JUMP at the chance.
I can only imagine how bad the smear campaign would be against her.
After the Motherfucking Swift Boat Veterans for Bullshit fiasco, I think the smear campaign is gonna be horrible no matter who the Democrats get.
I mean, if Jesus ran, I'm sure they'd make up a bunch of bullshit to smear Him.... (Disciples of Jesus for Truth?)
I want Hillary to stay in the Senate until 2013, when President Obama will appoint her to the Supreme Court.
I want to live in Calli's world.
I know people who if they are being really nice think of her as the Whore of Babylon, the rest of the time they act as if she's a whore who made Satan her bitch.
I wouldn't want Hillary on the Supreme Court. I think the Senate is a good place for her, actually. It brings out her magnanimous side.