The humidity here is "eeewwwww" and the temperature is "freaking hot".
Someone just forwarded me an email essentially asking me, "is it OK if I do this?", and included a 50-message thread that's nested so deep that the messages are pressed against the right of the screen one word at a time. I wasn't CCed on any of the previous messages, so I have no clue what they're talking about.
So the answer's "no," then?
I think work should shut down whenever the heat index goes over 100.
(Why yes it is -- how ever did you guess?)
A co-worker just asked me if they speak English in Jamaica. I forgive him because he's a nice guy and is taking all my vacation advice.
Tell him they speak Jawaiian.
I told him they speak English, but that didn't matter since he'd not understand it anyway.
How can you not want one of these?
A co-worker just asked me if they speak English in Jamaica. I forgive him because he's a nice guy and is taking all my vacation advice.
When my (Canadian) mom was signing up for classes at a local college some years ago, the clerk complimented her on her english.
So far this morning, which is only half an hour old for me, I've discovered that the NY library made one small mistake, which was followed by another small but understandable mistake by our mail room, which together forced me to send out an all office email that made me look like a BIG GIANT GOOBER.
I wanna go home too.
See? There's that pesky "reliability" problem taken care of right there.
This way you keep them on their toes, Perkins. They'll never know quite what to expect from you.
If I leave in an hour or so, I can be home by the time of my first conference call of the afternoon.
And horizontal. Want to be horizontal.