So far this morning, which is only half an hour old for me, I've discovered that the NY library made one small mistake, which was followed by another small but understandable mistake by our mail room, which together forced me to send out an all office email that made me look like a BIG GIANT GOOBER.
I wanna go home too.
See? There's that pesky "reliability" problem taken care of right there.
This way you keep them on their toes, Perkins. They'll never know quite what to expect from you.
If I leave in an hour or so, I can be home by the time of my first conference call of the afternoon.
And horizontal. Want to be horizontal.
The bling-bling binky is...interesting. And ita, step away from the creepy little-girl-glamour sites.
My brother has a theory that you are either a Keillor person or a Glass person, and that it is not possible to like both.
What if you love Keillor's voice, to the point where you often express the wish to have him read you a bedtime story and are willing to listen to even the most tedious Lake Wobegon story just for the moment when he gets all hoarse and meaningful ... but think This American Life is worlds more brilliant in terms of writing and content?
My One True NPR host would probably be Glass, with Keillor's voice. Discuss.
(I just thought I was nimble enough not to get shocked! I was wrong.)
I'm going to have to list "Unfounded Confidence In Ability To Move Faster Than Electricity" next to "Thinks She Can Beat Up A Cheetah" in the evergrowing list of Nutty's Charming Quirks.
What if you love Keillor's voice, to the point where you often express the wish to have him read you a bedtime story and are willing to listen to even the most tedious Lake Wobegon story just for the moment when he gets all hoarse and meaningful ... but think This American Life is worlds more brilliant in terms of writing and content?
Reminds me of Elizabeth Taylor saying the very best part about being married to Richard Burton was that he read stories to her in bed.
My One True NPR host would probably be Glass, with Keillor's voice. Discuss.
Never work. Ira's voice is better suited to his content.
All of the little suns in my Forecast Fox weather toolbar thingy have been replaced by flaming red thermometers.
Fortunately, I'm going to Canada in 2 days.
I think work should shut down whenever the heat index goes over 100.
Right now work is about the coolest place I could be (well or a movie theater or bar, I guess).
I've got AC in the bedroom, but I don't really want to be stuck in one room of my apartment.
It's stinking hot in Canada too.