I, too, am procrastinating, and should not be (job hunt stuff). I had a productive few days (Friday, Saturday, Monday, w/ Sunday off) followed by a slack-o-rama day yesterday (not entirely true--I did get things done, accordign to my to-do list) and a truly slack-o-rama day today.
Motivation-ma, please.
Maybe later, huh?
I explained Bayliss-oost to somebody yesterday. Maybe the shallowest H:LOTS conversion in Simonverse history.
My missionary genes work in mysterious ways.
I am so cranky. God. I paw at the keyboard ineffectively and blah.
{{{Nora}}} I'll join you in the cranky. I should be wrapping gifts and figure out what I am going to wear to meet Dave's brother and s-i-l tonight. Plus cleaning my messy apartment. Instead, sitting here being cranky.
Perfectly valid lifestyle choice.
Where did my words go?
I want Noggin. Well, okay, mostly I want to watch
Back when I wore glasses, I went as Daria for Halloween.
Life-tied-in-a-bow~ma for Susan. You could use a nicely wrapped gift like that!
Instead, sitting here being cranky.
I'm in. Except, Dave's brother and SiL are going to love you, so there's no reason for cranking about that.
Ever have one of those days where it starts out with something you've been waiting for for months, huzzah, and then for the rest of the day you get shit on from a great height and end up with blisters on your feet? Yeah, one of those.
And then you look at the news and think, oh my diamond shoes are far too tight, and you get over yourself. Almost. Give me another hour. And a beer.
I am so cranky. God. I paw at the keyboard ineffectively and blah.
Juggles glitter-covered geese to distract Nora from the cranky.
I want cable.
And beer.
There's beer in the basement, but I'm not drinking much of it, and it's not even 10 am here.
Mostly, I wish I'd been able to go back to sleep, because I've got about five minutes before Lily wakes up, and I'm dogtired.