Ever have one of those days where it starts out with something you've been waiting for for months, huzzah, and then for the rest of the day you get shit on from a great height and end up with blisters on your feet? Yeah, one of those.
And then you look at the news and think, oh my diamond shoes are far too tight, and you get over yourself. Almost. Give me another hour. And a beer.
I am so cranky. God. I paw at the keyboard ineffectively and blah.
Juggles glitter-covered geese to distract Nora from the cranky.
I want cable.
And beer.
There's beer in the basement, but I'm not drinking much of it, and it's not even 10 am here.
Mostly, I wish I'd been able to go back to sleep, because I've got about five minutes before Lily wakes up, and I'm dogtired.
Daria on Noggin is mainly a TiVo thing. It's on at 3 a.m. Eastern.
OTOH, they tend to show videos instead of commercials between shows. "Don't Phunk With My Heart" was a popular one when I was catching up on Daria -- a rather strange game-show-themed video.
I think I had too much coffee this morning. I have a headache and I feel queasy.
I want cable.
I don't really want cable, but I do really want TiVo.
I have to work late tonight. Feh.
Trudy, thanks for passing on -t's message. I was wondering if the 2 year old cell phone number I had for her would work, but now I guess she'll be out here in CA and we might get to see her in person.
Jilli warning:
spider on my bed. argh. am retreating to end of. crap. no way to get it out, and it's now behind/beneath my bolster. crapcrapcrap. not small enough to deal with on my own. crap.
Ick, Plei. Maybe you can send a cat in after it?
I was sure this thread would be dead by the time I got to work.
Finally caught up after days and days, in time for the thread rollover. Cool.
Timelies All.
Things-coming-together-ma, Susan.
Things-will-be-great-try-to-stop-stressing-ma, sj.
Love Daria, always enjoy the nights when I can't sleep yet at midnight, and get rewarded for sleeplessness with Daria.
Joining in the thankful that -t's okay bandwagon.
Anybody else? Hugs, -ma, and glitter - distribute as needed.