Anyone wanna hear another piece of good news?
My best friend from college, whom I haven't seen in almost 7 years, is coming to my wedding. All the way from Seattle. And she's bringing the babies. I'm floored and completely ecstatic. I never expected it.
Stephanie, congrats! That's a big achievement.
Fay, that's great news. I'm very happy you'll still be getting your teaching on.
It's not that big news. It's just, I passed my MTEL. Got a 92 out of 100, with 70 needed to pass. Of course, that was just math. The hard part's going to be the actual teaching.
Did they check Aimee's house yet? [link]
Even though they cost MORE than an i-Pod, Empress, they are NOT your bride's maid present.
Put 'em back. Right now.
WooT Emily! A 92 is big news!
Yeah, I'm quietly pleased. Thing is, I don't think anyone's going to actually look at my score, beyond saying, "Okay, she passed that. Check." Also, since it was hard to sustain the worry about failing for an entire month, there's not so much tension relieved -- but it's still cool. Yay!
It's not that big news. It's just, I passed my MTEL. Got a 92 out of 100, with 70 needed to pass. Of course, that was just math. The hard part's going to be the actual teaching.
Is today Good News Day for Buffistas? This is noteworthy.
Things that I must introduce AS to:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Coupling (no, the TV series)
The penguin parade at Phillip Island
Dungeons and Dragons
Mole rats! (Ok, maybe not.)
There may be a run on toaster shops.
billytea, what if she doesn't like Buffy?
Fay, I'm so glad things are working out well. I was away for a week. Did you get your travel all squared away? Are they reimbursing you for the flight you booked?
Emily! Congrats you smartie pants!
Yay for best friends coming to weddings!
And big (but only 92/100, cause you know *only* 92...) yays for MTEL results!
It is warm but just lovely today. I'm going to grab an ice pack and flop down to watch some tv.