I just read a book with a character named Jack Schitt. h He was a villain.
The Eyre Affair?
Good stuff.
In the first half of the season, not really. As it goes on, more and more events will start to matter later, but the first 8 or so eps are more or less complete standalones.
I originally started with the "Best Of" disks, which were all I could get at Blockbuster. And there were a few "Who's the gray chick?" and "What's the deal about Zhaan?" moments, but for the most part very followable (and crack-like, says the girl who has all but one of the $100-plus sets).
et add clarity
A handful of hair pics up: [link]
There are also more Lily pictures after the hair pictures.
Please note, hair unstyled and slightly damp, but you can see the basics of the cut at least.
Thanks for the Farscape info. I have put the entire first season into my brand new Netflix queue in disc order, and will not worry about episode order. I can't wait to get my first one!
You always look like a movie star, Ple, but you look like an evil German movie star in a Fassbinder film here.
Which is only appropriate considering the Squeak for Evil pictures.
Oh yeah - great haircut.
Love the hair Plei. Now, must work. Bah.
Good hair!
And OMG, the Squeak picture is *brilliant*. Clovis will be so pleased.
Incidentally, Ple, I just sent the "Boy Wonder" song to your Mohmlet at gmail.
Lily is 13+lbs, and either 23 1/2 or 25", depending on the measure and degree of squirm. I think she's closer to 24 1/2", but she was having a fit at her check up, so she's officially 23 1/2 inches when she's in a temper.
And OMG, the Squeak picture is *brilliant*. Clovis will be so pleased.
Paul did that. There's a web toy he found on Boing Boing that lets you generate magazine covers. I wish I could remember the URL.