really though? the first season isn't at all arc-y and watching them in random order doesn't hurt.
Even if there's no big arc, are they so random there's no character development or anything?
At any rate, are these Starburst editions in an order that makes some sort of sense?
I just read a book with a character named Jack Schitt. h
He was a villain.
t /free association
Fie on deductibles and expensive YMCAs. Fie!
lisah, it's really not bad and the weird pairings don't last the whole season. We just finished with episodes 15 & 16. The next disc is episode 17 & 18.
There maybe is a tiny bit of Zhaan stuff, but everything else is understandable.
Even if there's no big arc, are they so random there's no character development or anything?
In the first half of the season, not really. As it goes on, more and more events will start to matter later, but the first 8 or so eps are more or less complete standalones.
what askye and Jessica said. in fact, i wasn't (really! truly!) hooked until i watched episode 11 or 12. whichever number The Flax is.
The afterburners kick in at DNA Mad Scientist.
Thanks for all the information! I tried to look for the Starburst ones on Amazon and the first season is broken up into 3 "collections" that are $20 each. Is there someplace better to look?
I'm so remedial!
(Also, very tired today because I got the best super secret birthday surprise last night--my friends took me to see Dolly Parton. I didn't know that's where we were going until we were inside the concert hall. I cried and laughed A LOT. She is a goddess.) often has better prices than Amazon,but I don't know if they have the Starburst editions.
DeepDiscountDvd has them for $15.00 each; search Farscape Starburst.