This is where my living 15 miles from Mexico to my doorstep is infuriating because I can *get* things, suspect though they might be, but getting them back is felonious.
I don't believe this is actually the case. I'm fairly certain there is an exemption for personal use medications, unless you're talking hard-core narcotics.
Heh. That's like how I was all "older men are bad news, I can't believe you're going out with a 22-year-old" all through high school and into college, and then I meet Patrick. Who is seven years older.
Thank you, irony fairies.
You know what I simply cannot abide by? Wealthy men. Blech. I would NEVER EVER date a rich guy with a big penis and a compulsion for performing excellent oral sex. Heaven FORBID that he want children and a shore house and to travel the world with me. If he had put himself through millionaire school by being a massage therapist I'd be appalled (particularly if he wanted to keep his skills up. Sheesh -- move ON, buddy).
t whistles casually, glances around for irony faries
<whistles casually, glances around for irony faries>
Sorry, most of the irony faries died in the great irony plague of '78. Now the only ones left are the unintentional irony faries.
In fact, I think he may well be my TeeVee husband.
Good choice. I think his character is the best male lead I've seen on TV in...maybe ever.
Does he have a habit? All my TV boyfriends do(in front of the camera, at least. The ones behind are annoyingly domestic.)
Does he have a habit?
His dialogue is heavily laden with pop-culture references, which make no sense to the other characters, since he's on the other side of the galaxy and they therefore have no idea who Mr. Burns and Smithers are. For example.
Does he have a habit?
No, but he's frequently insane because evil aliens keep fucking around with his brain. So he still gets to act sweaty and desparate and despairing and have hallucinations. Then he has a plan! And it's the worst plan ever, but generally not too many people get killed and it's only their fault because they know his batting average with plans. Also, he's very hot in leather pants, very bitterly funny (imagine a pretty Munch), and is capable of generating intense sexual chemistry.
he's frequently insane
He does crazy better than anyone I've ever seen. Plus, pretty.
And, his arms are amazing.
Those are good arms to have.
t /Buffy
(And just *try* to tell me he couldn't play Superman. Go on, I dare you.)