Maybe you could make her a Daily Affirmations calendar by printing out pics from ita's HOT HOT MEN website and adding Mae West quotes at the bottom of each pic. You could even hole punch the pages and tie them together with ribbon. Just a thought.
Not a bad thought at all. I'll have to look into that. Thanks for looking, though! I tried and discovered that women apparently get "Mother Knows Best" jokey stuff or couples kissing, which isn't quite the vibe I'm looking for.
Ooooh, wait, the models section has Firefighters! This has possibilties . . .
I don't have any daily calendars, but I do have yearly:
Calli, there's This. Or, possibly, This.
Of course, my preference would be the firefighters. Yum.
juliana, that wig (or at least the memory of that shoot) was the inspiration for my idea. With the little eyeliner curl under your eye, you know? I like this idea more and more.
I've bookmarked the album page.
Excellent. Most of the albums are public, feel free to browse at will.
Thank you, ita and Beverly.
I think I'm leaning toward the Firefighters. I don't know that Mom has that particular interest, but, hey, hot guys! Plus things are precarious enough at work right now without me printing out hot fellas on the high-rez in the Art Director's office.
OMG. Look at this. Click on the cover to enlarge it, then click on "back cover." To.die.for.
Thanks, ita! I didn't know you'd created actual calendars. Those are great.
Well, in theory. I've only had the chance to check out the Wet one, so far, because I squeeeeed a little too loud for my work environment when I saw David as the wet man of September. (I have this thing about always checking who/what is on my birthday month in a calendar and Duchovny is my favorite yummmmmy eye candy.)
I just looked up my books online and they come to $175.50. Sigh. I suppose it could be much worse.
Oh, man, trying to kill me at work with teh cute, aren't you, Bev?
Uh huh. The juxtaposition of the big strong young firefighter, all sooty and sweaty in his heavy equipment and the wee sooty yellow kitty....
Hot in here? Just me?