Her: The system is down. Can you call back tomorrow?
Pum, pum, pum, pum, Pum, pum, pum, pum, Pum, pum, pum, pum, Pum, pum, pum, pum (Tootle, da too too! Tootle, da too too! Tootle da too too!) Pum, pum, pum, pum (Tootle, da too too! Tootle, da too too! (The system is down. The system is down.)) Tootle, da too too! Pum, pum, pum, pum (The system is down. The system is down. (Tootle, da too too! Tootle, da too too!)) Pum, pum, pum, pum.
Appropriate levels of punctuation to Gud and P-C.
Glad you guys are going to counseling, Gud, even if it won't be the most pleasant thing you've ever done. Good luck.
Gud, is this the first one? All the best to you both. If/where it is difficult, I hope it's the fruitful sort of difficult.
is this the church counseling, Gud?
Gud, I hope this counselor has something insightful to say to you and your wife (perhaps separate things). I admire the way you do everything you can to make this work.
PC, I'm sorry you've lost a friend.
We have now been fully taken over by students, and I am back wearing "real" work clothes. I think Marc Jacobs is my new best boyfriend when it comes to shoes.
Gud, I hope that works out for you.
Gud, I hope the counseling does some...good.
Gymboree is, quite literaly, going to kill me.
eBay is the accomplice.
Just in case I dissapear amongst a pile of coordinating leggings and onesies.