Well, he doesn't sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. He didn't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed.
Hee. I'd been thinking just that at the reference. Though I doubt my career was what Mr Dobler had in mind.
Oh, and
t blush
All my siblings reacted very differently to our mother's death, but it was still all genuine.
Heh. From what I can tell, my brothers are reacting similarly to me--DH and I were joking that after the funeral the four of us are going to have a stoicism duel. Of course, I think all of us are to one degree or another Keeping It Together For Mom. But it's also just how we deal with things. DH says that rather than driving myself to distraction, I distract myself through drivenness.
What BT and Trudy said, Susan. This is how you're grieving. There's no other way for you to do it, and no law or instruction manual to say it should be otherwise.
Have a safe trip. Strength and peace to you. Dote on your daughter a lot, I bet it will help.
Allo. I'm just popping in to say:
I'm terribly sorry for your loss, Susan, and hopes everything that can go well in such a situation goes well, and everything that's gonna suck no matter what sucks to the least extent possible.
billytea, that sound you just heard was all the Buffista women SWOONING in unison.
I also swooned. While writing it down with my other hand. I can swoon left-handed.
Gorgeous cut, Sail, I say while joining the collective billytea swoooooooooooon.
has anyone claimed Jaimie as their Seekrit Mythbuster Boyfriend? Because I lurrrrve him. "Quack, damn you!"
My sister married him. Not him exactly, but Jaimie is so much like her husband it's scary. I just want his job.
but anyhow there's approximately a metric shitload of data hiding amidst the rants
So to speak...
but from what I know of food it sounds like your ped is trying to turn Mal into a Greek. If s/he adds oregano to the recipe we'll be nearly certain.
Yeah, I described the concoction as "Mediterranean-style Colon Blow" to Robert. Who hasn't forgiven me yet.
my mother's only question on receiving the "I'm GAY" letter was "Well then why do you read those awful trashy romance novels?
"It's not. It's important to me that I kiss you."
Joins in the swoonage
So I keep worrying that people will judge me if I don't break down,
I so totally get this.
Awesome hair, Sail!
Susan, I am finally home and not on dial-up and only just read your news. I am very sorry for your loss and hope the travel and services are as easy as they can be given the circumstances.
Me: "It's not. It's important to me that I kiss you."
We stay in the car for a while. I'm holding her, and we're having one of those lazy conversations where the how is more important than the what. And then out of the blue she asks, "Am I good enough for you?" For me that was the meltiest moment. (Multiple choice: did I answer (a) yes (b) no (c) by kissing her again?)
billytea, that is wonderfully awesome, and I concur that you've got a swoony line there.
Your storytelling skills are lacking, though. Choice (c) is "kissing her again," yet you seem to have skipped the FIRST kiss. We need details, yo!
Your storytelling skills are lacking, though. Choice (c) is "kissing her again," yet you seem to have skipped the FIRST kiss. We need details, yo!
My apologies, I was treating it as the natural inference from "It's important to me that I kiss you". To confirm, she gave the impression that she liked that line too. I'm not sure I should go any further into details there. Perfect gentleman, me.