Heh. I read "multisided crush" and thought of the Wally report and was like "wow, that sounds confusing!"
I am sick. Stupid tonsilitis is back. Though not as bad, this time, as last. I stopped at the Urgent Care clinic yesterday (where the doctor suggested crushing antibiotics and eating them with ghee. What exactly IS ghee, anyway?), got a prescription, then went back to work for a few hours. But at CVS later, i found liquid tylenol! Whoot! Now if only it would kick in again...have emailed boss to say I will be in late. Feel like slacker, but also don't want to be there. Stupid work.
{{Calli}}. I'm so sorry.
I dare say Jilli will be along in the fullness of time.
I love this phrase so much I want to marry it.
Jilli's time is full like her skirts.
"Everything wrong with you I like" ... I'm trying to work out why that would put me on the defensive, and I'm not sure. But it certainly would. My psyche reads it like a dare.
meara, I think ghee is a clarified butter, and possibly liquid in form. Can you not swallow pills ever, or just when your tonsils are in rebellion?
Thanks, y'all. The whole work thing may actually work out well. Our journal may be picked up by some folks I'd really like to work for (whose names I can't really post at this stage of things) and I'd be able to keep toddling on doing worthwhile stuff at a semi-adequate pay-rate. Or one of the 60+ resume/cover letter combos I've sent out might finally hit paydirt. I've had a couple of responses so far--none of which have panned out, but at least my qualifications are catching some eyes. But still, I don't need the extra stress. And my masseuse is on vacation until the end of the month. (Yes, yes, we're edging into first world territory here.)
meara, I hope the meds work for you. And I'm sure it's a cross post by now, but ghee is liquified butter with the various milk solids (that foamy stuff that comes to the top when you heat butter) removed.
He thought BUTTER would be yummy to take it with? Ew. I was thinking it was like, cheesy or yogurty or something.
I'm never a big fan of swallowing pills, but when tonsils are in rebellion, it's an impossibility.
And my masseuse is on vacation until the end of the month
Hee. Awww.
But still, I don't need the extra stress. And my masseuse is on vacation until the end of the month. (Yes, yes, we're edging into first world territory here.)
Yeah, but you live in the first world. I know you didn't mean to go where I'm going now, and that's because there's some serendipity at work here, I think. This sort of stuff I'm going to mention has been on my mind big time, lately, and came up somewhere else, just last night, and your deprecation of first world problems just brought it up, again.
I think there are different stressors. Granted, they're not the same sort of dire, and immediate ones, but they wear a person down in different ways. Elsewhere, someone cited the Zen saying, "Fetch wood; carry water," noting how when we do physical, manual tasks, it is restful for the mind and senses. I mention it, because I've been cooking this theory for a long time about how we've automated so much of our work that used to be physical, and our poor, simple minds can't catch up.
For example, I could (in theory) be cooking dinner (in a crock pot, for example), while I do laundry in the washing machine, wash dishes (in the dishwasher), water the garden, and compose a memo on a tape recorder, while travelling (by car of course) 25 miles into work.
The technology lets my body do all these things (or more accurately, takes the place of my body in doing all of these things), meanwhile, my sad little brain is overwhelmed by all it's "doing" without the body. Also? Because so much of my work now involves so little physical work, I feel like a giant slacker, even when I'm doing (that is--when I have caused to happen) 5 things at once.
I'm not suggesting you get out the washboard or anything. But maybe taking walks, or doing some simple task in your home that you haven't done, something that involves your body, might be helpful. It's something I'm trying here and there to combat my anxiety--to live more in the moment, with whatever I'm doing.
ghee is a clarified butter
Made from tigers, according to the pole-axingly unPC
Little Black Sambo,
...meanwhile, in mememe news, I have (a) coloured my hair Considerably Blonder Than God Intended once more* and (b) had an eye test and am test-driving contact lenses again, after 3 years or so of contanctlenslessness.
like being able to see without glasses! Yay for that!
*I wussed out of red, in the end. And am now concerned that my hair looks brassy and cheap, and not in a good way.