you may have to settle for a shirt and skirt. Nursing dresses are harder to find.
Oh, I'm looking at both. I'd prefer a dress, as I don't fit most of my dressy skirts (though there's still the one mentioned in the previous post that may work), but a dressy shirt + skirt is most certainly an option I've given a lot of thought to. And I know I'm being neurotic about this, for complicated and petty reasons involving some of the other wedding guests and my own personal demons.
sj, loose, flowing hair can also work, especially if the black clothing you're wearing is flowing and romantic.
Makeup: Pale. Don't forget to blend in under your chin or you'll look like a mime.
I always forget to tell people that, because it never occurs to me that someone might not know to do that.
The linen dress would probably require more altering than I can do by myself to work.
So you come over, we dig out the sewing machine, and go to town. No problem.
So consensus of one says purple skirt suit? Will the white suit work if the purple looks too tight or I can't get the stain out?
Plei, the offer for you to raid my closet(s) is still open.
Will the white suit work if the purple looks too tight or I can't get the stain out?
Yes. I think the purple suit would be the best option, but the white suit sounds like it would be fine.
I keep forgetting what I was going to say. I do that in real life, but you'd think I could concentrate better while typing at blinvisible people. At least you don't get to hear me saying, "Um, um, you know, that thing we were talking about."
ChiKat, the odds are very, very high that it's something harmless. They do baseline mammograms specifically to record the various idiosyncrasies that everyone's breasts have. That being said, my breast cancer experience would suggest that if the doctor has the least doubt, get a biopsy. Biopsies are no big deal. Mine was not particularly painful, except for the hysterical giggles I kept getting over the fact that I was driving home with ice in my bra.
Lyra Jane, I'm so sorry about the car. Try not to beat yourself up about it.
Of course Kara leads an amazingly exciting life. After all, she hears hot dogs.
I know that feeling, vw.
Still tripping that anyone would ask for my advice on Living With A disability based on that Mishegoss in my lj.
Sweetie, I'm stuck together with fucking superglue. And not expertly applied superglue, either.
But I'm just paying it forward anyway.
I did what Hec did, except not calling him a punk... the man is a bit humor-impaired and wouldn't get it.
(Hec, I was shocked that you thought I'd pull you off my flist for that. I'd hate being humored WAY more than that.)
If you liked prints I'd say this is a lovely top [link] . I think it's also around there somewhere in white.
Plei, do you sew?
I fake it with hand stitching, and am allowed to cut things out or fix hems, but am generally not allowed near the actual machines. I'm the only person I can think of who managed a D in Home Ec when I was staying in over my lunch period to try to actually finish my sewing projects.
It's something of a marvel, really. There's been one machine in my whole life I could actually use, but my mother gave it to my sister, a fact about which I am still bitter. (Perfect condition Singer Featherweight. Those are 'xpensive!) That 14 year age difference means that most of the things I've wanted since childhood (including the dresser I grew up using) have been promised to her since before I was born. And my mother wonders why I only want the one child...
JZ, check your work e-mail. Nevermind.
So what do I do about my hair and makeup? I have never been to a Goth club before. Actually I have very rarely been to any kind of club.
Dark eyes, dark lips. Do not attempt liquid eyeliner (or deliberate liquid eyeliner swirly designs) unless you've done such things before.
Some sort of pale shimmery eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and black mascara + dark red lipstick should work just fine.
All y'all who haven't had the distinct pleasure of hanging with sj in person -- you have NO IDEA how utterly gorgeous she'll look with the pale makeup and dark red lipstick. I still haven't seen a picture of her that comes close to doing her justice. And gothed up -- man!
t swoons