So what do I do about my hair and makeup? I have never been to a Goth club before. Actually I have very rarely been to any kind of club.
Dark eyes, dark lips. Do not attempt liquid eyeliner (or deliberate liquid eyeliner swirly designs) unless you've done such things before.
Some sort of pale shimmery eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and black mascara + dark red lipstick should work just fine.
Oh. My. God. Too. Cute.
So, not only is Lily making motions in my direction, but I got to talk to Kara. She TOTALLY cracked me up. After Deena asked her if it was mommy's turn, this is what happened:
Kara: Still my turn. I have a very exciting life.
t Giggling quietly in hopes that she won't hear
Kara: Why are you laughing, Auntie Val?
Me: 'Cause you are just too cute!
Kara: Well, that's true.
Sheesh, I'm slow. Chikat, I didn't comment on your cyst because it's clearly a cyst (did that work?)
sj, I hope you're feeling better.
I just called vw and let Kara talk to her and I hear:
"I have an amazingly exciting life! ....Vow? Vow? Why are you laughing Auntie Vow?
Hee! Kara x-post.
So what do I do about my hair and makeup?
Hair: you can do twisty little Bjork-buns like Jilli does with chopsticks in them. (I'll find a picture.)
Makeup: Pale. Don't forget to blend in under your chin or you'll look like a mime.
I've been looking non-stop for two months now.
you may have to settle for a shirt and skirt. Nursing dresses are harder to find.
Dark eyes, dark lips. Do not attempt liquid eyeliner (or deliberate liquid eyeliner swirly designs) unless you've done such things before.
Some sort of pale shimmery eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and black mascara + dark red lipstick should work just fine.
Thanks, Jilli. I wouldn't have a clue what to do with liquid eyeliner anyway, but I am pretty good with regular black eyeliner.
Wait, Plei, the chocolate and other things actually arrived? That's mindbogglingly fast. Did you, um, did you like the non-chocolate stuff?
I like this one in black.
Hair: you can do twisty little Bjork-buns like Jilli does with chopsticks in them. (I'll find a picture.)
That's what you think. I am awful at doing anything with my hair.
Makeup: Pale. Don't forget to blend in under your chin or you'll look like a mime.
It doesn't take much makeup to make me pale. Even in the summer I am paler than pale.
The onesie is perfect! Casa Zmayhem contains much talent.
The linen dress would probably require more altering than I can do by myself to work.
If I can find a top that will work, I may be able to fake it if the skirt I wore to the last wedding I attended still fits me... (I was almost 11 weeks when I last wore it, so it might.)
Haven't these jackholes heard of basic black? Hello, people, no matter what you think, fugly patterns do not really hide the spit up.
Hmm. In about 10 minutes, I shall have to give up on UPS and go shower without my Lush order. Curses. Foiled again.