Kristin had this post in her LJ about what "jokes" can you absolutely not bear. For the record, mine is people messing with my first name. I find it, at best, irritating. At best.
Feel free to riff on the whole self-injuring thing, if you need something to poke at. Just not the name.
Waves frantically!!! I missed y'all so much. I decided to "consolidate" my usernames to minimize confusion. Since I think I have to pay to change it here, I figured fixing it here would be easier (THANKS to the stompy who was so quick).
Hey, lexine, good to see you!
I hear you.
Feel free to riff on the whole self-injuring thing, if you need something to poke at. Just not the name.
What Perkins said. Sorry.
Hypothesising about my last name is fine. I get irrational about modifications to my first though. I get that people don't get that, and should probably work out a witty way to say it, but the last time I tried, it just made everything escalate.
Sorry if it sounded brusque.
Hey, nothing wrong with a little brusque, when brusque is called for.
Only a little, and it's good that we know.
ita, when you're writing with pen and ink, do you give yourself an upper case i?
t /curious
And would this be a good moment to check on pronunciation? I've been going with "eeta" all this time, but may be on crack.
Sorry ita, and thanks for telling us.