Whee! I have had a good day. I had my first solo client meeting since getting back to Melbourne (all the other ones to now have had a more senior consultant along) and I rocked just a bit. Then I had Pilates after work and it was a much better session than last week's; my technique was more focused, and concentrating on it was actually rather soothing.
But best of all, one very attractive and sensitive woman I'd emailed wrote back! I first emailed her a couple of weeks ago, but at the time I hadn't really got my online presence sorted out, and I didn't get a response. Just for the hell of it I decided to try again, and sent her a follow-up with a bit more about myself. And she wrote back! I just sent her another email with yet more depth, and I think I offered to cook for her sometime as well. (Hopefully that won't scare her off.)
Oh, and I've updated my profile. I decided, after getting some professional advice, that it simply wasn't manly enough. Oh, and that I should be a little more specific on the person I'm looking for. Updated profile is here: [link]
Now I must go to bed, as I have a speed dating event tomorrow night and I find I'm at my best when awake. (Ok, that's not true. I'm just adorable asleep. How are the ladies supposed to concentrate?) I shall leave you with the news that the king cobra's scientific name is Ophiophagus hannah. hannah? And the world's largest spider, the goliath bird-eating spider, is called Therophosa blondi. BLONDI?!