Your Red Sox love is so pure. A-Rod mockage is great sport in our home. You'd like it here.
Hee. We need to watch a game together sometime.
Had craptastic afternoon at work. Literally was yelling with coworker who is not really expendable to the company. But, damn, he is just a jack ass and I hit my limit.
{{{meara}}} I hope your throat feels better soon. Also, don't explode.
Sigh. All the Bath and Body Works I went to had left on close out was the Chocolate Fondue perfume, at least of the stuff I was looking for. So I got two bottles.
Plei, were you looking for something else? I could check the stores here for you.'
I hope today stops sucking for everyone soon.
is it wrong that I wish I could be sick for the rest of the week and sit around my new house loafing and watching TV?
Not wrong.
Plei, were you looking for something else? I could check the stores here for you.'
I can help you out with whatever you're looking for too, Plei. There's still lots of stuff out back that we pulled off the shelves.
Just like the sausage that had forged papers! [link]
Whee! I have had a good day. I had my first solo client meeting since getting back to Melbourne (all the other ones to now have had a more senior consultant along) and I rocked just a bit. Then I had Pilates after work and it was a much better session than last week's; my technique was more focused, and concentrating on it was actually rather soothing.
But best of all, one very attractive and sensitive woman I'd emailed wrote back! I first emailed her a couple of weeks ago, but at the time I hadn't really got my online presence sorted out, and I didn't get a response. Just for the hell of it I decided to try again, and sent her a follow-up with a bit more about myself. And she wrote back! I just sent her another email with yet more depth, and I think I offered to cook for her sometime as well. (Hopefully that won't scare her off.)
Oh, and I've updated my profile. I decided, after getting some professional advice, that it simply wasn't manly enough. Oh, and that I should be a little more specific on the person I'm looking for. Updated profile is here: [link]
Now I must go to bed, as I have a speed dating event tomorrow night and I find I'm at my best when awake. (Ok, that's not true. I'm just adorable asleep. How are the ladies supposed to concentrate?) I shall leave you with the news that the king cobra's scientific name is Ophiophagus hannah. hannah? And the world's largest spider, the goliath bird-eating spider, is called Therophosa blondi. BLONDI?!
aw, look how happy billytea is! awesome.
Go billytea with the date having and the profile updating! I'm not sure exactly what you changed in your profile, but it's very appealing.
(Ok, that's not true. I'm just adorable asleep. How are the ladies supposed to concentrate?)
I've seen him asleep. I'll testify to its distracting nature.
Go, billytea!
I am loving today's
Dork Tower
I wish I could fit the whole thing on a lj icon.
When did "push-type" staple removers come around? And why wasn't I told?
So much better than the fangs of paper death.
Yay billytea!
Gronklies. Late, emotional night last night. Grrr. Stupid brain.