This girl at school? She told me that gelatin is made from ground-up cow's feet and that every time you eat Jell-O there's some cow out there limping around without any feet. But I told her that I'm sure the cow is dead before they cut its feet off, right?

Dawn ,'Never Leave Me'

Spike's Bitches 25 to Life  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Trudy Booth - Jul 12, 2005 6:46:31 pm PDT #389 of 10001
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

t snuggles Cass

this tag has no end

beth b - Jul 12, 2005 6:46:31 pm PDT #390 of 10001
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

sending the ma~` to askye's family and to sj's aches. and yay?s to annabel.

it is way too hot in the computer room. It must be time for tv.

Cass - Jul 12, 2005 6:47:06 pm PDT #391 of 10001
Bob's learned to live with tragedy, but he knows that this tragedy is one that won't ever leave him or get better.

It's the wrod of the day...

WindSparrow, thanks for the kitty time-out info. Puppycat could have used it last night as she was bitey. Her eyes were huge and all black, she was evil. Then she snuggled. It's like Combo #1 with her.

WindSparrow - Jul 12, 2005 6:56:11 pm PDT #392 of 10001
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.

Cass, you are most welcome. I came up with my time-out policy from necessity. One night Harvey and Sammie were fighting so bad, I just stuck Harvey (who appeared to be the aggressor) under a laundry basket and lectured him. A few weeks later I was reading a book by an animal communicator who recommended time-outs, and I refined how I did things, but was greatly comforted knowing I was neither crazy nor cruel for doing it.

Possibly the lecture was a bit over the top.

Cass - Jul 12, 2005 7:02:37 pm PDT #393 of 10001
Bob's learned to live with tragedy, but he knows that this tragedy is one that won't ever leave him or get better.

Nah, I was trying to reason with puppycat last night and she falls off of the bed on a regular basis. Also, you can pet her side and Oops! she falls down. I still try to reason first.

FTR, "No bites!" with a firm finger pointing at her? Makes her do the arm back, pointing thing right back atcha and she's got claws. We are still, apparently, learning.

I have the perfect basket all picked out for the next lesson. Just determining what to weight it with. Perhaps the other cat, she would enjoy the mocking.

meara - Jul 12, 2005 7:08:28 pm PDT #394 of 10001

Wahhh! My throat, which was vaguely hurting all day, has now turned into a festival of "OW FUCKING OW" as in I can only barely swallow...on one side. WTF? It's just half my throat that hurts, apparently. I mean, swallowing is painful. But the pain is definitely one-sided. What is that about? Medical-y buffistas?

Also, I know many of you have been in long-distance relationships. Which I am not in. A relationship. But I am still frustrated by the distance from my new umfriend. Tell me that I am not crazy for trying to see her again soon, and that I will not explode if "soon" is >3 weeks.

WindSparrow - Jul 12, 2005 7:13:20 pm PDT #395 of 10001
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.

I have the perfect basket all picked out for the next lesson. Just determining what to weight it with. Perhaps the other cat, she would enjoy the mocking.

I'd recommend an unabridged dictionary, leaving the other cat free to view the prisoner from whatever angle s/he choses.

{{{{{Meara}}}}} wish I had good words for you. I'm learning this relationship thing as I go.

P.S. You'll survive. You ain't crazy. What you feel is pretty reaso... well, reason isn't really in it, eh? Let's just say that your emotions are well within normal parameters. You'll find your way.

You will.

Yes. You will.

Cass - Jul 12, 2005 7:22:47 pm PDT #396 of 10001
Bob's learned to live with tragedy, but he knows that this tragedy is one that won't ever leave him or get better.


Not that I am medical, but I had it about once a month until I had my tonsils out at 23 (not rec'd that late, btw) and it sounds like strep used to feel.

I have little advice on the long-distance even with having done it several times. You will survive, but seeing each other as soon as possible sounds like a good thing.

I'd recommend an unabridged dictionary
"What's that say? I can't reeeeeeeeeeeead." Heh.

juliana - Jul 12, 2005 7:23:06 pm PDT #397 of 10001
I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I miss them all tonight…

t quiet snickering

Ahem. meara, you will not explode. Promise.


P.M. Marc - Jul 12, 2005 7:28:33 pm PDT #398 of 10001
So come, my friends, be not afraid/We are so lightly here/It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear

Why do the Mariners suck?

Default state for majority of the team's history?

Gah. Lily went from zero to cranky in .01 seconds, and is at the moment so worked up, I don't think she remembers why she was mad in the first place. I think she was probably hungry and a little gassy, but now she's so furiously upset that she's offended by the mere sight of boobie, and all that screaming isn't helping the gas situation.