Not that I am medical, but I had it about once a month until I had my tonsils out at 23 (not rec'd that late, btw) and it sounds like strep used to feel.
I have little advice on the long-distance even with having done it several times. You will survive, but seeing each other as soon as possible sounds like a good thing.
I'd recommend an unabridged dictionary
"What's that say? I can't reeeeeeeeeeeead." Heh.
t quiet snickering
Ahem. meara, you will not explode. Promise.
Why do the Mariners suck?
Default state for majority of the team's history?
Gah. Lily went from zero to cranky in .01 seconds, and is at the moment so worked up, I don't think she remembers why she was mad in the first place. I think she was probably hungry and a little gassy, but now she's so furiously upset that she's offended by the mere sight of boobie, and all that screaming isn't helping the gas situation.
Why do the Mariners suck?
Short term? They don't have enough pitching. Some of that is injuries and some of that is decision-making.
Long-term? They make the classic mistake (many do) of paying players for performances they've already had. To me, it seems a big part of today's big money game is trying to avoid overpaying players for underperforming. There are tools out there to help analyze and predict player performance (that is, make it less of a total crapshoot) The Dodgers let Beltre go after his big season, since his predictors don't indicate that last year was a new level for him, but rather, a fluke. The Mariners signed him, gambling that last year's numbers were a new standard for him. So far, not so much. It only takes a few mistakes like that to affect your club long-term and only one or two to wreck a season.
sore throat on one side - sinuses.
They make the classic mistake (many do) of paying players for performances they've already had.
Heh. JohnSweden read Moneyball.
Ple, boobie ain't gonna solve all her ills. Maybe a bouncy walk. It's distracting plus it jostles their brains into submission.
Boobie should always be the answer until you have language skills and have mastered the concept of zero.
And often? After.
Heh. JohnSweden read Moneyball.
Who didn't? It ain't all I read. This year's Baseball Prospectus on Beltre:
"His 2005 season will land somewhere between that extremely conservative PECOTA [their statistical predictive model] and a 2004 season he'll never again replicate."
Boobie always solves my ills.
I've met her, I can understand this...