Aren't they something. They're like butterflies, or little pieces of wrapping paper blowing around.

Kaylee ,'Shindig'

Spike's Bitches 25 to Life  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

DavidS - Jul 12, 2005 5:03:15 pm PDT #376 of 10001
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Dave is getting aggravated because I insist on booing A-Rod despite the fact that he is part of the team we are cheering for tonight.

Tell Dave that's how we're doing it on Chez Zmayhem.

Emmett: "I can't believe I'm rooting for A-Rod to score. A-Rod sucks! But I want him to score."

askye - Jul 12, 2005 5:03:29 pm PDT #377 of 10001
Thrive to spite them

J Z -- I made a few changs before I sent the letter. I think I caught that one. I hope she responds.

I also sent the paper a brief email asking them why they decided to publish it. I included the email I just sent so I wouldn't have to write something else. Hopefully I'll get an answer from them as well.

sj - Jul 12, 2005 5:04:52 pm PDT #378 of 10001
"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."

Emmett: "I can't believe I'm rooting for A-Rod to score. A-Rod sucks! But I want him to score."

This is what Dave is doing. I however am shouting "Hit A-Rod in the head".

DavidS - Jul 12, 2005 5:20:34 pm PDT #379 of 10001
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

I however am shouting "Hit A-Rod in the head".

You're pretty hardcore.

When Ichiro hit a single in his last at bat JZ and I looked at each other and said, "Yay?" Which was sort of appropriate since he got picked off.

JohnSweden - Jul 12, 2005 5:23:57 pm PDT #380 of 10001
I can't even.

When Ichiro hit a single in his last at bat JZ and I looked at each other and said, "Yay?" Which was sort of appropriate since he got picked off.

Hey! That was a 2-run single. Ichiro may play for the Mariners, but he's the man.

beekaytee - Jul 12, 2005 5:28:20 pm PDT #381 of 10001
Compassionately intolerant

The Nationals beat the Mariners in the one game I've seen at RFK. I'm ingnorant, in the most complete sense, to the workings of forgive the question. Why do the Mariners suck?

Ginger - Jul 12, 2005 5:33:28 pm PDT #382 of 10001
"It didn't taste good. It tasted soooo horrible. It tasted like....a vodka martini." - Matilda

Emmett: "I can't believe I'm rooting for A-Rod to score. A-Rod sucks! But I want him to score."

Once again, baseball teaches important life lessons. All through life, you're forced by circumstances to root for people who suck.

sj - Jul 12, 2005 5:37:16 pm PDT #383 of 10001
"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."

You're pretty hardcore.

Yup, I sometimes even scare Dave, but I am the most hardcore in my hate for A-Rod. Can't stand him since he hit that ball out of Arroyo's hand.

DavidS - Jul 12, 2005 5:45:05 pm PDT #384 of 10001
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Hey! That was a 2-run single. Ichiro may play for the Mariners, but he's the man.

Indeed he is. Don't mistake the question mark for a lack of endorsement. It was more of an Annabel shout out.

Susan W. - Jul 12, 2005 5:55:40 pm PDT #385 of 10001
Good Trouble and Righteous Fights

Why do the Mariners suck?

There are blogs upon blogs devoted to that question. DH could probably answer it better than I and he's out with his fantasy league peeps, but....

1. Ownership tried to hang onto aging core too long after magical 2001 season.
2. Bad luck with pitchers--all of our stellar prospects keep getting hurt.
3. Stupid, stupid personnel moves. (Sure wish we still had Carlos Guillen.)
4. We only have the one Ichiro.

DH thinks we could contend again as early as next year, because we'll finally be in a position to offload some salary commitments and rebuild properly, but that's contingent on Bill Bavasi being smart, and I don't think he's capable of that.

ION, after Ichiro's hit I decided to switch to Tivo and catch up on some Doctor Who. I keep putting off watching the rest because (spoiler font for the heck of it) I doubt I'll like the Tenth doctor one trillionth as much as the Ninth, so I'm trying to stretch the episodes out as long as I can so I can pretend Hot!Doctor isn't going away so soon. Anyway, I think the time has come to be careful about what grown-up TV I watch in front of Annabel. She's definitely responding to the emotional cues onscreen. When the characters are frightened or angry, she looks to me for reassurance, and she probably doesn't need that kind of stimulation on a regular basis. Though it was cute in the end when some of the characters were being really exuberant with the happy ending and she was jumping and cheering right along with them.