Baby Cuteness!
And Lily teething~ma.
Holding my breath that today will be a better day. At least it looks like they've got the fires out - although they are on the other side of the mountain from us, so even with the dog-rolling wind I wasn't worried about our place, they are where my pediatrician is.
You're up on my Big Damn Hero shelf right next to vw.
Awwww….How much do I love JZ? A lot.
Fuck. I need a baby sitter Saturday night. Crap crap crap crap crap.
I’ll come watch that gorgeous little girl. Oh, wait. You’re on the other side of the country. AND, I’m going to Plymouth with my family this weekend. Give me a little more notice, girl!
My Anne W. rip-off haircut: [link]
So fabulous!
Cutiehead babygirl, as JZ was feeling the lack: [link]
And cutiehead Annabel too!
Holding my breath that today will be a better day.
Oh, I so hope it is, Raq. You deserve a good day…many good days, for that matter.
So, a little Toto update. He was so good at the vet yesterday. He let her poke him and take blood and stuff. Of course, he knows that if he’s really good, he gets a bone. So, he was really good. And, he got his bone. He was very excited.
After all that of the collecting his pee, it was really diluted, so they couldn’t tell much from it. She still thinks it is a UTI, but wanted to do bloodwork, ‘cause he’s about the right age to start getting things like diabetes or kidney troubles, and the uncontrollable peeing can be a beginning sign of those things. She is treating him for a UTI, though, until the bloodwork comes back. And, of course, I am very nervous and can’t wait to hear the results this afternoon. Poor little guy.
After taking Toto to the vet, I went to my parents. My brother and SIL were just arriving. Yay! So, we went to the open house at the local hotel (where we’re thinking about having our next family reunion…it’s just GORGEOUS). After, we had dinner at the new local restaurant. Then we split up (girls and boys). The girls went shopping (I needed a pair of capris for the weekend), and the boys took dad’s car to the shop. I got a great pear of jean capris and a top for Emily. We did pretty well at mom and my favorite shop. They have SUCH great sales there. My SIL even bought stuff, and she very rarely does that. All in all, it was a good evening. I hope the rest of the weekend is as fun. My other brother comes into town tonight, and we’re all heading down to Plymouth to do fun touristy things for the weekend. Yay!
But, first I have to work. Everyone else has off today. I don’t wanna work. I just want to hang with the fam.
I'm kind of around, but the baby has adopted a napping schedule of one hour awake/one hour asleep, so he's keeping me hopping today.
I hope it's just a UTI - those are uncomfortable, but easily treatable.
I am SO glad that I had neither a laptop nor a wireless internet connection when I was in school. My GPA was crappy enough as it was.
I'm here, but gronkified. Hope Toto's problem is easily and cheaply fixed.
Cutiehead babies.
cheaply fixed
We've already passed this point. Oh, well. He's worth it.
{{Health-ma for Toto}}
Flea! The haircut is adorable on you!
Perkins, I bet the Neptune Society send a receipt type thing to people's next of kin when the contract is signed.
Excellent pics, connie!
And Plei.
Hm. flickr hates me. POsts marked for later perusal.
Eep, hope Raq's pediatrician is okay and the fire is under control.
Health~ma for Toto.
I can't call the vet till 11am, which is exactly when I get to work. So, I really should wait till noon or so. I'm very anxious about this. Tell me everything's gonna be ok...