You know, I caught myself thinking the other day about that thing addicts are supposed to say - it's not to get high, this just gets me back to normal. And how good it would be to have something that got me to normal.
As I have my second cup of coffee today it occurs to me that maybe it's coffee and I am just not upping the dosage enough.
And then I think that this is not exactly a healthy way to be thinking.
I'm glad you can afford at least some of your meds, vw.
It makes me mad that you have to choose which ones.
You know, I caught myself thinking the other day about that thing addicts are supposed to say - it's not to get high, this just gets me back to normal. And how good it would be to have something that got me to normal.
As I have my second cup of coffee today it occurs to me that maybe it's coffee and I am just not upping the dosage enough.
And then I think that this is not exactly a healthy way to be thinking.
Pfft. I am unashamed of my coffee addiction. I mean, it could be so much worse -- at least it's not heroin.
Yeah. I don't feel so bad about my heroin addiction - at least it's not crack.
I don't feel so bad about my crack addiction - at least it's not NASCAR fanfic.
Stupid question: Does the NASCAR fanfic slash the drivers? How do NASCAR fans feel about this?
(OK, that's two stupid questions)
Does the NASCAR fanfic slash the drivers?
Let me have a go: well, the drivers don't have to be all the same gender. Fanfic != slash or even sex. Also, maybe they have relations with their cars, or the pit crew.
That should cover most stuff.
It's the "maybe I'm not submitting to my addiction enough" thinking that I feel I ought to steer clear of...
Though I guess anything that keeps me off heroin, crack,
NASCAR fanfic can't be all bad.
maybe they have relations with their cars
Or the cars are being slashed with the other cars.
If NASCAR fanfic exists, I so don't want to know about it.
ION, my tiara arrived, courtesy of Javacat! Wheeee! Very, very pretty, and strangely, it's one I almost bought for my recipient. Great minds. Thank you, Javacat!
There will be pictures, when I figure out where the digital camera is.