My day started out good, but that was only because I didn't have all the information yet.
"If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, perhaps you don't understand the situation."
Sorry about the tire, askye. It's not a good way to start the day.
Day ~ma to askye and Raq.
Ugh. Neighbors downstairs are playing loud music. This is not helping my migraine.
We're none of us getting the hang of Thursdays, are we?
Sympathies to those who need them.
This is not a good week for too many Buffistas.
(((Susan))) I'm sorry you're having to deal with so much right now.
Also, ((Askye)) and ((Raq)).
Parentheses back atcha, Gud.
And thanks folks. It's interpersonal and financial things, and I can't even sort out what I'm thinking/feeling enough to write it.
But Mallory is holding his dragon puppet in one hand and talking to it intently, so things aren't all bad. Maybe I'll put some pants on the cat and take photos too.
Much better-day~ma to Raq and askye.
Anti-migraine~ma to vw.
Actually, I'm going throw some general, all-purpose, extra-sparkly ~ma out to everyone.
Maybe I'll put some pants on the cat and take photos too.
This sounds like an excellent idea. Animals in clothing never fail to crack me up.
I love my shrink, but I think he is really out of touch with the cost of meds. He gave me a script yesterday for the one psych med that he couldn't get for me in sample form. He told me that that, plus my other regular meds (allergy, athsma, face cream) that I'm on, I should be able to get for about $50.
I just priced them at CVS's website and added them up. It's $160. Looks like I'm going off my allergy medication and face cream (Yay zits!) and just filling the athsma and anxiety meds. That'll still be over $50, but I should be able to manage that.
You know, I caught myself thinking the other day about that thing addicts are supposed to say - it's not to get high, this just gets me back to normal. And how good it would be to have something that got me to normal.
As I have my second cup of coffee today it occurs to me that maybe it's coffee and I am just not upping the dosage enough.
And then I think that this is not exactly a healthy way to be thinking.