It helps with the bone-deep blahs in the short term.
Plei is wise.
And, as therapy or self-medications go, it's still very very cheap.
As is JZ.
Just so tired, so hurty, and so wishing I could see some kind of light beyond this endless tunnel.
But, really? So are you. You are tired, in pain and frustrated. There are reasons you feel the way you do. Perfectly understandable and reasonable reasons.
That said, I hope you can find some small thing that will both make you perk up a bit and not worry about it financially.
you need a guilt-free you time. If you'll stress too much about money for a haircut to make you feel good, have Dylan take Annabel out for some Daddy time, grab your most comforting comfort read, and curl up with it. If you can take a bath, or spend your read with soothing lotion on your feet, so much the better.
Exactly what Plei said better while I was typing.
OK, all that stuff I was angsting about above. Scratch all of it.
Mom just called. Dad is dying. I don't know how much longer they think he has--didn't want to ask. But his mind is starting to go, he can't walk well or feed himself, and they're going to start having hospice nurses in every day. I don't understand how this happened, after the tests showed him cancer-free. It seems like it's the chemo that's killing him.
But yeah. Everything else seems pretty petty now.
Oh, Susan. Lots of hugs. Can you go see your parents? I know you were there not long ago (or I think you were) and I don't want to add any pressure if you can't, but being far away from them now will be hard.
Oh, Susan. I'm so very sorry. Much punctuation to you and your father and your whole family. I'm so glad that you got that last good visit with him a few weeks back and that you got to share him and Annabel with each other, but that must be small, cold comfort now. I'm just so very sorry.
But if you can bear it, be kind and comforting to yourself about the petty little things, too. It'll help with the huge heartache.
All my prayers are with your family.
Mom just called. Dad is dying. I don't know how much longer they think he has--didn't want to ask. But his mind is starting to go, he can't walk well or feed himself, and they're going to start having hospice nurses in every day. I don't understand how this happened, after the tests showed him cancer-free. It seems like it's the chemo that's killing him.
Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. How much longer does he have on the chemo? Are they stopping it?
Oh, Susan. I'm so so sorry.
Oh, Susan, I'm so sorry. Hugs and prayers.
What Cass and the others said, Susan.
I'm sorry Susan. Peace be with you and your family.