I think most of the pageants have a "Most Photogenic" contest that those photos are entered in.
And there's a separate line of photo only competitions without even a pageant connected.
As a kid, I wonder how it feels to be such raw material. Airbrushed pictures of other people can be bad enough for self esteem.
askye, that kind of decision is never easy. All the ~ma to your family for having peace about what is needed.
Much ~ma to your mother and her sister. It is clearly for the best. Best for them and best for their mother.
Assisted living is not a waiting room for death, and far too many people act like it is. They aren't "doing that" to their mother. They are making sure her quality of life remains good, or even gets better. Your uncle is the one who is "doing that" to your family for making a caring descision not to be selfish and think about what's best for your grandma.
Pageant photo retouching
cute kid wearing ghastly clothes.
scary sexualised Stepford kid wearing ghastly clothes and more makeup than a Bangkok hooker.
WTF? What is the thought process here? Why does anyone want their child to look like a bad waxwork of a child prostitute from the 1980s? Who are these people?
Why do Americans use a z when Brits use an s? Ie, sexualized.
It's on the differences between online and deaf discourses
Ooh, that sounds neat, VW! Though...what about Deaf people online?
I cannot BELIEVE you people talked about circumcision for SO LONG.
Meanwhile: Anyone got any good suggestions for not torturing myself thinking about someone who is TOO DAMN FAR AWAY?
it doesn't sound so much like he wants you to be someone else as that his mental image of you doesn't include the name Raquel.
This is true. Much like I have a hard time thinking of some online people as their real names, even if I know them IRL a lot. Or something. I mean, I'm not married to any of them. But if it makes you uncomfy, well. Hmm. Well, i think the name Raquel is hot! Unless that doesn't help. At which point Raquel is a perfectly cromulent name)
I want to go shopping with Fay--especially in Cairo with Fay
It's fun! I encourage it!
Also, Raquel should change her user name to Bamblebert Fishtibuns.
Why do Americans use a z when Brits use an s? Ie, sexualized.
Just another crasy difference between our nations?
edited for clarity.
Meara, I suggest pr0n. Maybe SGA pr0n. It's ideal as a distraction - unless the someone in question is David Hewett or Joe Flannigan, in which case? Not so much.
After: scary sexualised Stepford kid wearing ghastly clothes and more makeup than a Bangkok hooker.
Plus fucked up pod-person eyes.
Just another crasy difference between our nations.
One of the tour guides on my Israel trip was originally from England, and went spent about five minutes on the difference between "taking the piss" and "taking a piss." Ultimately just concluded that language is weird.
Just another crasy difference between our nations.
Shouldn't that be:
"Just anouther crasy difference between our natiouns"?