One of the sellers at the Ferry Building, Frog Hollow, had the best peaches I've eaten...maybe ever. Certainly up there with the platonic ideal of the peach.
Fancy Restaurant Fact:
During the height of the season, for one week only, Chez Panisse will serve One Perfect Peach as your dessert at the end of a very delicious and expensive prix fixe meal.
I had pizza this weekend, so I'm kinda pizza'd out. I think I'll make chicken curry tonight. It's pretty easy and quick to make - I like simple dinners on work nights. (because sometimes cooking is a lot of work and OMG I've been working all day and I'm tired! Just give me food. Foooooooood. mmmmm.)
Now I want pizza. And I have none. I hate you all.
Advice to P-C
1. Open phone book
2. Locate Pizza Hut in business pages
3. pick up phone & dial number
4. Order pizza
5. Wait 40 minutes
6. Eat newly delivered pizza
Or, hop in your car and start driving to Chicago. I'll share my pizza with you.
I'm having peanut butter and jelly for dinner.
Yes, that's actually planned. Bought peanut butter and everything.
I simply can't get my head around bookless libraries.
Think of the bookless ones as media centers, like in K-12. The ones with the books are real libraries. It sounds like UT, anyway, has plenty of each.
D'you think if I brought in my CAT scans they'd knock it down further? :)
I think that they would probably cancel all your fines. I'm pretty sure we would.
I have never eaten a PB&J sandwich, ever. I don't like peanut butter except in candy.