Welcome back, Aimee! And YIKES!
I have to return library books that are once again over due. I'm not very nice to the library at times
I still have unpaid fees at one of our libraries. The good thing for me is I can go to Columbus Metropolitan AND my local library (it's incorprated within Columbus, but separate). So I usually go to whichever one I don't owe fees to.
Can you renew online, Cindy?
I was shocked to hear all the many (many) mea culpas of Buffistas who had lost their library privileges because they couldn't bear to take the books back.
See, I know I'm a control freak (knock, knock), but still -- how can people NOT take their books back? I don't get it.
Probably, ita. Thanks for the reminder. I think so, and I know you can renew by phone. For the past week, I've been telling myself I'd just drop them off, but now that my legs are so unhappy, I'm not so inclined to drive, so maybe I'll just renew.
One of the funniest revelations ever was that Buffistas (as a group) tend to be horrible library patrons
Or great library patrons. My late fees probably have bought many books.
Renewing online is teh awesome.
The book-taking reminds me of how I got into Christopher Pike. Fifth or sixth grade, there was a copy of
Bury Me Deep
sitting on the chalkboard; it had been lost and was not currently claimed. It looked really cool, and after a couple days of watching it just sit there, I, uh, took it home and read it. Then I brought it back, at which point the original owner realized it had been missing, and he let me keep it.
I stopped stealing books around when I started buying books.
My college library invariably had two copies of the primary text for a course, both of which tended to be out on long-term loan. There was a fearsome black market trade in photocopies of relevent chapters.
Apropos of boredom, methinks I want to move to Canada. What are the Universities like over there?
I could come up with excuses involving parking, etc, but the truth is I'm lazy and forgetful.
I'm a book returner. When I was a kid, we had a regular schedule for going to the library - we'd go as a family and each of us would check stuff out, then the library books would live on top of the (upright) piano in between being read, and when they were all due, they'd all go back and we'd get new books. I don't think I can not return books. In fact, friends have handed me books to read and only told me after I tried to give them back when I was done that that was a gift not a loan and that's extremely unsettling.