Now I'm wondering how you spell "jhooje" in "juj the product through your hair."
This is what kept me from bringing it up.
The Bravo site uses "tjuz"
See, I
there should be a "z" in there. However, none of the rest of it looks right.
Susan, I can't remember which stuff I use - see askye's post above. Though I do know that I had a horrific allergic reaction (itchy red rash + asthma-like attack) from Secret Platinum. And Suave somethin-or-other that was Freesia scented that I was trying because it was one of the only ones on the market with no aluminum stings like a mother.
::puts Tom's of Maine on shopping list::
the BF is quite the sweater and he swears by Mitchum solid.
Actually, I think the Adidas stuff
non-AP--it was a deodorant that was supposed to have some new-fangled wetness-absorbing thingummies rather than standard AP chemicals. But I was all sweaty and stinky, and ruined a favorite t-shirt. Maybe I should find a stretch of a few days when I don't have any plans, haul out some sleep shirts whose fate I don't care about, and give it another go.
My DH would agree with Plei about skipping the anti-p and just using d. I never had to use any product before, so it's all new to me, but so far nothing has worked.
Of course, what with a baby on my lap most of the day, armpits are usually one of the less gross things in my life.
I had a totally unpleasant experience on the way back from lunch.
I had a car right up on my tail almost the whole way. I couldn't see the car's grill it was so close. And it kept veering wide right or wide left so I was freaked out it was going to try to pass me from the right or on a curve or hill. The car would back up some and I'd think about slowing down and pulling to the side of the road and as soon as I started slowing down it was right back way too close. Finally the car passed me (in a passing zone, thank god) and raced ahead until it got behind a big flatbed tow truck, and then it stayed on the tow truck's tail. Close enough it looked like the truck was pulling the car.
Thank god I didn't have to brake suddenly, I don't think the other car would have been able to hit the brakes before hitting me.
Things that happened at work while I was gone:
- Our Chief Engineer resigned before he got fired.
- One of the assistants I work with is on an extended leave of absence.
- One of our interns got shot in the legs when he walked into his aunts house.
- One of dept heads I work with, lost his teenage daughter in a car accident over the weekend. She was hit by a Jeep.
I may never leave town again.
Yeek, askye, glad you survived the Tailgating Moron.
ION: Domino has a bladder infection. Domino weighs 19 pounds and doesn't care for pills. Two grown adults almost strangled Domino trying to give him his antibiotic this morning. Pills 2x a day for ten days? There will be no survivors.
Geez, that's a lot. Good luck coping.