My DH would agree with Plei about skipping the anti-p and just using d. I never had to use any product before, so it's all new to me, but so far nothing has worked.
Of course, what with a baby on my lap most of the day, armpits are usually one of the less gross things in my life.
I had a totally unpleasant experience on the way back from lunch.
I had a car right up on my tail almost the whole way. I couldn't see the car's grill it was so close. And it kept veering wide right or wide left so I was freaked out it was going to try to pass me from the right or on a curve or hill. The car would back up some and I'd think about slowing down and pulling to the side of the road and as soon as I started slowing down it was right back way too close. Finally the car passed me (in a passing zone, thank god) and raced ahead until it got behind a big flatbed tow truck, and then it stayed on the tow truck's tail. Close enough it looked like the truck was pulling the car.
Thank god I didn't have to brake suddenly, I don't think the other car would have been able to hit the brakes before hitting me.
Things that happened at work while I was gone:
- Our Chief Engineer resigned before he got fired.
- One of the assistants I work with is on an extended leave of absence.
- One of our interns got shot in the legs when he walked into his aunts house.
- One of dept heads I work with, lost his teenage daughter in a car accident over the weekend. She was hit by a Jeep.
I may never leave town again.
Yeek, askye, glad you survived the Tailgating Moron.
ION: Domino has a bladder infection. Domino weighs 19 pounds and doesn't care for pills. Two grown adults almost strangled Domino trying to give him his antibiotic this morning. Pills 2x a day for ten days? There will be no survivors.
Geez, that's a lot. Good luck coping.
Wow, Aimee. That's just, wow.
Oh man...Aimee...maybe it's a good thing you were out of town when the PTB decided to get medieval on your workplace. Those poor people! My sympathies.
Seriously, quitting the AP was the best thing I ever did for my wetness level, and I'm also more comfortable in the hot weather.
I will second this enthusiastically. Also, Tom's of Maine is wonderful stuff.
Hmmm. If quitting the AP doesn't work for you, Susan, I'd rec Right Guard Gel. It is a men's deodorant, but it's about the only one that will keep up with me (I don't sweat so much as get funky, though). All of the women's deodorants burn my skin, for some f-ed up reason.