Oh. My. God.
My boss keeps disappearing. She'll say, "Oh, I have to run to the potty. I'll be back in five minutes." Then she'll come back 30 minutes later. And just now she came back after being gone for over an hour and a half when she said she'd be gone for 20 minutes. She *just* disappeared again. Geesh!
Maybe she has a GI upset, vw.
I hope you don't need her for anything time sensitive today, whatever her motivation.
Also, I should learn how to shave properly, because I should want girls to like me.
According to Kyan, not very many straight guys know how to do this. The key is product (shaving cream or gel AND a moisturizer afterwards) and shaving WITH the grain.
Hmm. I'm not sure what the grain of my whiskers is. I do use both shaving gel and a post-shave moisturizer.
According to Kyan, not very many straight guys know how to do this. The key is product (shaving cream or gel AND a moisturizer afterwards) and shaving WITH the grain.
First I shave with the grain, then I shave against the grain. That results in a very close shave.
I don't do the moisturizer afterwards, though.
Also, apply product from the back.
Good morning, Bitches! The book-free library feeds into one of my librarian nightmares that I've been having -- homogenous collections. While we're still buying more books than we were, say, 10 years ago when I started as a librarian, we're also buying these huge, expensive databases of material that has been digitized. It's material we already own in paper form. To afford the last 100K database, we cancelled copies of many serials for which we were the only library source west of the Mississippi. To give up the uniqueness of our collections and all end up with the same expensive databases makes me cry a little inside.
P-C, congratulations on a good conversation with your Mother. Remember it is possible.
Libkitty! Nice hair!
Also, I should learn how to shave properly, because I should want girls to like me.
You mean all those girls she doesn't want you to have anything to do with?
Shaving only with the grain is guarantees a perfectly even half-shave, and that's about it.
The key is product (shaving cream or gel AND a moisturizer afterwards) and shaving WITH the grain.
I go with the grain and then against the grain, like tommyrot, using shaving cream during and aftershave...after. It's really hard to get some of those stray hairs on the neck, though.
Also, apply product from the back.
I don't understand. The back of what?
You mean all those girls she doesn't want you to have anything to do with?
Heh, yeah. Though I think she mostly means any girls she shows me.
DH is capable of going on at great length abotu proper shaving technique. As I recall, he approved of kyan's instruction on the whole, but quibbled about something or other. I fear I didn't pay as much attention as I might have. He has a thick and fast growing beard, he's put some thought and experimentation into shaving. I don't think he's settled on his OTProduct yet.
Grr. Guy just came by and asked me for a phone number. Instead of asking me to write it down, or asking for scratch paper (of which I have bunches) he reached across my desk and took one of the last three 'While you were out" sheets I have left. We've never figured out how to get more of these. Dammit.