DH is capable of going on at great length abotu proper shaving technique. As I recall, he approved of kyan's instruction on the whole, but quibbled about something or other. I fear I didn't pay as much attention as I might have. He has a thick and fast growing beard, he's put some thought and experimentation into shaving. I don't think he's settled on his OTProduct yet.
Grr. Guy just came by and asked me for a phone number. Instead of asking me to write it down, or asking for scratch paper (of which I have bunches) he reached across my desk and took one of the last three 'While you were out" sheets I have left. We've never figured out how to get more of these. Dammit.
I don't understand. The back of what?
Your head. See -- this is why you're single. Not enough Queer Eye.
What does aftershave do (besides smell like aftershave)? Does it help with minor cuts?
Last week I cut my neck while shaving - it was a really minor cut and it stopped bleeding after half a minute. But it was a really hot day, so whenever I was outside sweating, the salt in the sweat caused the cut to sting. Not fun.
Product for your hair, P-C. ita made the jump from shaving technique to general grooming without proper explication.
Bad ita. No goat.
Yay, P-C!! You rock!
See -- this is why you're single. Not enough Queer Eye.
If P-C married a man, I think his parents would have Issues.
Product for your hair, P-C. ita made the jump from shaving technique to general grooming without proper explication.
Oooh. That makes much more sense. And...interesting.
ita made the jump from shaving technique to general grooming without proper explication.
But you followed me, didn't you? P-C's a youngun. He'll catch up.
If P-C married a man, I think his parents would have Issues.
Well, the show is called Queer Eye for the
Straight Guy.
I think he should be okay.
See -- this is why you're single. Not enough Queer Eye.
If P-C married a man, I think his parents would have Issues.
Well, that would be too much Queer Eye, then. Obviously, one must take the Goldilocks approach to Queer Eye quantification.
"You don't have to understand, I've got it taken care of,"
Excellent statement!
What does aftershave do (besides smell like aftershave)? Does it help with minor cuts?
I've always wondered that. (Could it be to help prevent ingrown hairs?)
I love the hair, libkitty!
Welcome home, Aimée!