There have been huge scandals all over the place. FSU had the Nike incident, where players were taken to Foot Locker after hours and were given what ever they wanted.
Another student was caught on camera getting a "discount" from a friend at a department store.
The back up quarterback to Rix was kicked off the team for stealing and forging checks and betting -- including on FSU games.
And everything is under the microscope. Rix was caught parkign in a handicapped spot and was practically crucified for it. You'd think no one had ever done anything like that. Or that maybe he'd beaten someone up for the spot.
At my undergrad school, I heard a lot of stories about professors who were pressured to give athletes passing grades, even when they didn't show up to class. (I also heard one story about an athlete who worked really hard at a class and just earned a C-, which was the minimum required to go onto the next higher level. The coach asked the professor to give the kid a D+, because he didn't want the kid to be spending so much time on math the next semester, and it would be better for him to just retake the same class than to go onto the next level.)
Bitches needing an escape. this one is beautiful. But you need sound to make it complete.
Sorry, this one is mostly for girls.
Bitches needing an escape. this one is beautiful. But you need sound to make it complete.
OMG, now I totally need Brawny Man Slash.
They are kids, and regardless of how fanatical people are about the team, that fact doesn't change. The colleges where my dad coached (one of which was involved in a recruiting scandal a while back and has only recovered in the past 5 or 6 years) players and coaches are under a huge amount of pressure with very little compensation (actually that's less true for upper level coaches, but then, their jobs are incredibly unstable). I feel very protective of college atheletes, high school ones too truth be told.
ETA- Heather, being all caught up in her pet issues, completely forgot to say, "Go Annabel!" and (((sj))).
Is the new Brawny man cheating on the old Brawny man? Cuz I thought their love was so pure.
Bathroom is clean. Study is clean. I am going to sign off now so that I can find someone to cry on the phone with while I try to tackle the kitchen in the near dark. My cellphone refuses to get a signal in my apartment.