They are kids, and regardless of how fanatical people are about the team, that fact doesn't change. The colleges where my dad coached (one of which was involved in a recruiting scandal a while back and has only recovered in the past 5 or 6 years) players and coaches are under a huge amount of pressure with very little compensation (actually that's less true for upper level coaches, but then, their jobs are incredibly unstable). I feel very protective of college atheletes, high school ones too truth be told.
ETA- Heather, being all caught up in her pet issues, completely forgot to say, "Go Annabel!" and (((sj))).
Is the new Brawny man cheating on the old Brawny man? Cuz I thought their love was so pure.
Bathroom is clean. Study is clean. I am going to sign off now so that I can find someone to cry on the phone with while I try to tackle the kitchen in the near dark. My cellphone refuses to get a signal in my apartment.
"Hi, hon. Please throw out the garbage and fix the lights."
Make it worth his while.
wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Aw, have a good cry. Then a lovely evening. {{{sj}}}
So, on June 28, I sent the Connecticut place my writing exercises, and they said they'd get back to me in 1-2 weeks.
It's been two weeks, so I was waiting for some sort of response. As none came, I called and left a message to the effect that as it had been two weeks, I was just wondering about my status.
Promptly, as usual, I got an e-mail response:
Thank you for your voicemail message of today, July 12. On June 28, I emailed the following communication to you.
The communication being the one informing me I would hear back in 1-2 weeks.
It's been two weeks.
sj, I hope you get to feeling better soon. The achy thing sucks.
Yay for Annabelle!
Boo on my boss for telling graphic horror stories during training. Developmentally disabled people are vulnerable to so many terrible things. We all know this. Those of us who work in that field know it better than most. But the details we usually keep in the back of our minds. Bossman brought them all to the front of my mind today. I tried to take a little nap before Dan gets home from work, but every thing bossman said keeps popping into my mind's eye every time I close my eyes.
He'd probably be glad. He told those stories for good reason.
I'm sitting here with a glass of wine. Traditional self-medication.
ETA: P-C, sorry I have no useful insight. I'd be torn between letting it go another week, or emailing back to say "Per your email of June 28, I expected to hear from you by now.... blahblahjobsearchwordsblah." But really, I'd say give it a week then email back to touch bases with her. Job hunting, as a recreational activity, sucks. But you are gonna find the right thing, and be brilliant at it.
The communication being the one informing me I would hear back in 1-2 weeks. It's been two weeks. Gah.
Annoying as it is, you want to give them a little longer than they say it's going to take--it's one of the parts of the job search where you err on the side of being patient.
It's the same with publishing, FWIW. Someday when you're sending your book proposal to an editor or agent who says they respond to queries in 4-6 weeks, you give them AT LEAST two months before you check on the status of your query. That's just how it's done. You can be a
pushier with a job search, though--give them an extra week rather than an extra month.
And thanks for the yays for Annabel!