JSw, Emmett sends his regards from San Francisco and admires your knightly ways.
My regards to Emmett and my thanks. I always enjoy hearing about his achievements on the diamond.
Would you like a vacuum?
Sure. It doesn't sound like I could do it much more harm.
Not that assault on a vacuum is sense-making but I could see how I got there.
This is a good thing. Not the assault per se, but the figuring.
Cass, the vacuum didn't feel a thing. After years of sucking up evil little dustbunnies and multitudes of cat hair, it lost the ability to relate properly to humanity. You did it a service by putting it out of its misery.
Much punctuation to you, my dear.
And, though it be a tad bit late, happiest of birthdays to the bug that could, and DID. I hope you enjoyed your day, vw!
Yeah, the vacuum against the floor was better than my head against a big block of concrete. Once I realized that there were things in jeopardy beyond my floor which was getting whomped, I stopped.
This is a good thing. Not the assault per se, but the figuring.
Yes, this helped a lot. It helped break the cycle where I was hysterically crying because of a dumb broken vacuum, freaking out more because a stupid vacuum was making me cry, lather, rinse and eventually stop repeating.
and multitudes of cat hair
I am totally blaming the cats. I mean I am still petting them, but I am silently feeling that it is their fault.
Okay, I am going to try and get some sleep.
Thank you all for getting me through earlier tonight. I realize that it reads so silly, but stuff tonight was really just the last straw. I was like a shooked up soda.
I am totally blaming the cats. I mean I am still petting them, but I am silently feeling that it is their fault.
This is always fair. I always say to blame the ones that can't talk back. Young children and dogs are also good for this.
Hair pictures are up at a friends flickr account: [link]
Some are sideways, but I'm not sure how to fix that, especially since it's his account. The after pictures are fair, but don't capture the best of the cut, as they are post-wind. One last caveat and addendum: I don't always look cross-eyed.
Popping in to say we are home and exhausted and now have to get hyper baby to sleep. Wheee.
More tomorrow.
Welcome home, Aimee!
Libkitty, the new hair is fabulous on you! You look much lighter of spirit, and more carefree.
(((PC))) You got some fantastic advice here today. I will just say briefly that DH had to make the same sort of decision, and his parents made it impossible for him to do it gracefully. It was their way or no way. He couldn't continue to be treated like their adolescent child, and said so. The bad news is, they disowned him. They didn't speak for seven years. It was completely their decision, and once they'd made it, he never attempted to make reconnection, because to them it would have been total capitulation. Seven summers later, they contacted him. There was a brief period of catch-up, no lingering recrimination, and henceforward they treated him as their adult son.
I hope things go more smoothly than that for you. But sometimes you have to be willing and strong enough to stand up for yourself. What they do is up to them. I wish you all wisdom, patience and courage with this situation.
vw, I'm so glad today was a good birthday for you. You really deserve it, you know.
Cass, I'm so sorry about the meltdown. But a vacuum ultimately is a small price to pay for an epiphany. I'm glad things are a little calmer for you now.
Andi, a new climate and new surroundings do mean you have to re-learn all the cues and prompts. I'm sorry about the wet wash.
Deena! How incredibly sweet that Kara was assisting you up the stairs. There's a big, kind heart under that incredibly cute exterior. And having had similar conversations experiences with both offspring, I wholeheartedly concur with your reaction to Nick's comment.
I meant to wish beth an easy time with her new meds. May they give you and your doctor the results you need.
ach ... it was a nasty day wasn't it.
so we saw a show On TIVO that we recorded for no reason we could remember. It is on BRAVO . Dan Finnerty and the Dan Band. Dh was vaguely ( well more than vaguely) apalled.
Regular Guy sings Girl songs.
DH said campy. I say a step above - I'd use the word Fun. The web site doesn't quite capture them. Vidoes and audio in extras.
now I am horrifying Matt by relistening to
I want to Rock you hard this Christmas.
It is good to laugh